Not to mention...There is NO WAY Alien or Halloween would be PG-13 even today. Alien had way too many gory scenes, plus they said the F word 5 times according to the IMDb, and generally, you get 1 or 2 for PG-13. Halloween had the violence, plus two nude scenes, although one was brief.
Granted, it is possible that they would have MADE it PG-13 by editing it a bit more to get it approved for PG-13 whereas originally, they knew that they couldn't possibly edit it enough to achieve a PG, so they didn't even try. But the movie as it stands would definitely still be an R.
While you are right that many movies that were rated R would likely be PG-13 today (Caddyshack comes to mind), your examples are awful, since one was PG back then, and the others would still be R today.
Poltergeist is a good example of the opposite of what you are trying to say. Along with Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, it is an example of a movie that WAS PG but would be PG-13 today.