MovieChat Forums > The Fog (2005) Discussion > Movie is lacking but deserves more than ...

Movie is lacking but deserves more than the current 3.4 rating

This movie isn't great by any means but it's better than the current rating.




It really does not deserve higher. The fact that it IS rated so low gives me faith that humanity has not been completely lost, in fact!

"Rock 'n roll martian!"


Honestly, the film really does deserve it's rating. It just isn't well made at all. Even the most rudimentary details are badly done. The beautiful locations are shown so quickly that we can't even get a chance to settle into a mood of any sort. The effects are overdone and the deaths are over the top and render any possible scare moot. The CW cast doesn't help either with their bland performances. The story isn't really too bad at all. With a few tweaks, it could have been a great script. With a good director that knows something about suspense and atmosphere and who doesn't hide behind CGI as his only crutch, this could have been a good film. As it stands, 3.4 is right on the money.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



No, you're absolutely right. There are tons of worse movies on IMDB rated higher - I gave it a 6. The editing was weird, Blair's DJ was really bad but overall it was passable. 3.5 is ridiculously low.


Agreed that it is not nearly deserving of an IMDB 3.4. Somewhere around a 5 or 6 is fine. Not crazy about the cast, but I watched it for the scares. If you know the original movie, it is interesting to just see how they handle it with modern effects. Sadly, half of the CGI was way too fake looking (the fog itself), but the ghost effects were very well done.


To the people who think this movie deserves a 3 or less, you obviously haven't watched very many bad movies. Watching horror movies is like a hobby to me (I'm a genuine horror buff), and believe me, there are far more movies with a rating equal to or greater than this that are so much worse. Have any of you ever watched an Ed Wood film? Or anything released by THE ASYLUM? How about any film by Ulli Lommel or Uwe Boll? Or how about one of the worst movies ever, BRUTAL JESUS AND THE HOUSE OF WASTED YOUTH? Sit through any of the films from the Company or Directors that I just mentioned and THE FOG remake will look like a gem and I guarantee you will rethink the way you rate movies.

"In the darkness, everything is clearer than daylight."


To the people who think this movie deserves a 3 or less, you obviously haven't watched very many bad movies.

Or you obviously are deadly wrong. I must have seen over 3000 movies, a great percentage in the genres of horror and sci-fi, including many trash like Castle Freak or italian zombie movies.

Have any of you ever watched an Ed Wood film?

Yes, I do.

Or anything released by THE ASYLUM?

Yes, a few of them. My brain almost melted with Almighty Thor.

How about any film by Ulli Lommel or Uwe Boll?

One by Ulli, three by Uwe.

And... you know what? I still vote this "something" with a 1. There are worse movies? Yes, but it doesn't deserve better rating for that. I rate a film for itself, not in comparison with others.


To each their own. I personally liked CASTLE FREAK, but I'm a sucker for Full Moon films. I also like many Italian zombie films (Fulci's ZOMBIE topping that list). I guess I just reserve a 1 rating for the worst of the worst, and I don't consider this film to be the worst of the worst. I personally own 7000+ films and the majority of those are horror and sci-fi. I guess I've just seen A LOT of REALLY sh*tty films. And own A LOT too!

"In the darkness, everything is clearer than daylight."


When judging bad movies, you really have to use two different standards. For one standard you have all the movies that are just shockingly bad, almost not real movies. Sometimes bad to the point of being good, but nevertheless really poorly made stuff. Low budget stuff, or stuff like Troll 2 where an actually insane person made a movie, Manos Hand Of Fate, and the nonsense of Uwe Boll and Ed Wood (also insane).

And then you have Hollywood movies, that could and should have done/known better, but still make a piece of sh!t. It's almost worse when Hollywood makes a really bad movie, because they're supposed to be the professionals, with the budgets and the names and the advertising/theatrical releases. You can't let movies like this off the hook because guys like Ed Wood exist.

It's hard to have a 10 Star ranking system like IMDb's work effectively when it encompasses everything from The Godfather right down to the cast of the video game Night Trap. And you can never have a rating system where everybody agrees on the score.

"See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion" - Ben Richards


I was impressed that enough people liked it enough to give it a 3.4.
