MovieChat Forums > Today You Die (2005) Discussion > This movie is terrible. TERRIBLE.

This movie is terrible. TERRIBLE.

Did Buggy Ding Dong direct and edit this piece of sh*t? This film has the biggest plot jumps I've ever seen. I want my money back goddamit and I saw this movie for free. It sucks so freaking bad. Now I read on here they used footage from other films. Explains why this disaster is so disjointed and over the place. Seagal is a fat has been and can't act his way out of a fortune cookie. There is nothing to like in this film. Nada, zip, nothingggggggggggggggggg.


I agree with you 110%. His previous film, Submerged was a step in the right direction, but Today You Die is definitely one of his worst. It makes no sense, most of the characters are pointless and Seagal even uses a stunt double in some of the fight scenes.



Guys, your comments just make me want to watch that movie even more. I think Steven's movies are just so bad they're good.
Unnecessary violence, major plot holes, incoherent behaviors/dialogs, same script used over and over ... this is what I am looking for when I want to watch a steven seagal movie.

Thank you guys for your great input ! I hope it is a realy bad movie, it will only make it better to my eyes.


It certainly is a very bad movie, but at no point does it ever border on so bad it's funny. It's just plain bad.


Its hilariously bad , Seagals dodgey stunt double with the massive nose , scenes from other films , scenes that Seagal actually showed up for being mirrored and used again (sometimes right next to each other) . Could go on all night here ! Its essential viewing !! Roll on Black Dawn !



Dang, I saw it, and you were right. It is beyond beeing bad. It was awful, and not even funny.


First of all, Submerged was his worst one yet. Today You Die is a very very good movie. It was well done!


I agree, Submerged was utter crap, at least Today You Die was watchable.


Out for a Kill was a LOT worse than this one. I have no problem with clips from other generic and obsure action flicks being used in this one.


Submerged was better than this? You have GOT to be kidding! Today You Die may be a patchwork, with some editing problems and some doubling, but at least it had good parts, good actors, and good cinematography. Submerged was a TOTAL piece of s that had all these problems AND MORE. Now THAT was a total pile of s.


anyone else notice that his clothes do not change before or after prison for several scenes?



I worked on the film and earned two SAG vouchers in the process, so I can't dog it too much. I also got a close up. I was the grayish, blonded hair convict, who has a big head, rather tall, and goes bump, bump, bump, when Segal was lead to his cell. The film was very terrible, but I was very well treated by the crew and the food on the set was awesome. I also met some really nice people as well. From a production side, it was a great shoot, but from a viewers side, it is not a very good movie.


i heard that seagal was very lazy and difficult while filming is that true?


He seemed very nice to me. He got a little impatient with the crew, if they were not ready for him, when he and his possie came back to the set. I actually liked him. I was pretty close to him in some scene and when I came close to him, he smiled and acknowledged me. I thought it was interest to watch him work out the fight scene in the prison court yard, so nobody got hurt. It was a very good production experience.


hey holmes... is it true that Seagal doesnt even do his own fighting nowadays, he just uses the double?


You would likely agree then that Seagal needs to work on his " blackness ". That's the only thing that bothered me about this movie. Ok, Seagal, you are NOT black, and half-a##ed pretending you are doesn't cut it.

In fact, that's what sucked so much about this movie. Seagal, you are NOT black, so quit doing the bit where you almost try to pretend you are...

Not only that, then the other 4/5ths of the time he is himself. So what determines how half black he gets when he tries to be... ?


What I don't understand is why did the old guy shoot the guards after they loaded up the armored car? Couldn't they just left without killing ?



i agree with that. some scenes are from Undisputed, and when seagal throws a guy out of the window, he has sleeves, but when he throws him , he hasnt got any sleeves.




Terrible is complimenting this movie.

It gave me nightmares. No joke.


I just saw this movie on DVD, even the main characters name is subtitled wrong.
I long for the days of Out for Justice, Above the law, Marked for death....the old hardcore fighting movies.

This was definetly one of the worst he's made in his career.



stop kidding yourself. this movie was a travesty. pathetic.



Its pretty bad. 3/10

