Their Daughter

Is it just me but if any of you guys would have spoken to your parents the way that Booby Kristina did, especially on tonight's episode, wouldn't you have gotten your *** "wooped". Maybe because I'm a parent and I would flip out if one of my boys did that to me, especially on the street. But I know if I did that when I was growing up, I would have been seeing stars, LOL!

The girl's not that bad cause unfortunatly I've seen worse, but Bobby's too much of a softy. I don't know maybe becasue they're just raising her on the principle of "giving them what you didn't have" (nothing wrong with that cause we all want that for our kids), but foreal... I just have a hard time processing the fact that they trust her with all that money when she went shopping and not saying anything when she gets really smart with them. Maybe cause I'm from a different generation... I would have been like "is she ok" and all that other crazy stuff running in mind.

I give him credit.. at least he tries to be in his all of his children's lives (or at least most of them) which is more than I can about what happens in this day and age.



I agree, if I tried to pull half the shananigans that she pulled I would of got my ass handed to me on the spot. She just seems too spoiled. Yeah bobby wants to make it easy for his kids and have them have the finer things and what not but she lets it get to underage head. When she kept tagging along behind bobby try to take his money I couldn't help but think that if I tried that with my mom I would've been rewarded with an incredible backhand.

And when she doesn't get her way she's so quick to run to Whitney. In the episode where they went to London I think it was they were sitting at the counter and bobby kept reaching over trying to tickle her and stuff and she's like leave me alone dad and all this crap and then Whitney's like she doesn't feel good. Thats complete bull. There was nothing wrong with that girl. Even if there was there's no reason to be snobbish to your own father like that.

Whatever happened to a good spanking?

"Sure, we'll help you, just sit down and wait for Detective LIKE-I-GIVE-A-DAMN!" ~Chief Wiggum




I don't think BK acts that spoiled but I am surprised that her parents entrusted her w/so much money. Her attitude was rude and disrespectful but I think understandable. Just b/c LaPrincia is her sister it's not fair for her father to automatically expect them to get along and cling to each other especially since they probably ever see each other. It was hard for her and he was fustrated that's why she acted that way, her father could have been more understanding but in all fairness that was no excuse for her rude and disrespectful behavior.
