She's a good actress...
All I've got to say is that Whitney is a VERY GOOD ACTRESS because I NEVER would have thought she was such a skank before I watched "Being Bobby Brown" today. I knew she had the drug problem, the domestic violence problem & the diva thing but for Heaven's sake she is so totally opposite the women she portrays onscreen. Even if her screen character is a b@*%h she at least has some class in the role - in real life she is totally without class and restraint!!! Her mother must want to crawl under a rock...
I always wondered what attracted Whitney to Bobby & why in the world she would stay with him - but now I understand - she's as much of a loser as he is. What a waste too, she has one of the most perfect singing voices in the world but with her real-life behavior she will NEVER be in the same class as Barbra, Julie & Judy (who Whitney makes look like a saint in comparison).
She really needs to get a grip, get a real life, & come back down to earth and use the talent God gave her the right way and raise her children in a proper and healthy environment. I've never seen such a train-wreck!!!