MovieChat Forums > Being Bobby Brown (2005) Discussion > Whats with the fans idiot mentality???

Whats with the fans idiot mentality???

I agree Whitney is a bitch,but who are these people to just walk up to them while they're eating and go can you sign this,can I take a picture. Its like what the %^$&*$* IM EATING. These people have nothing better to do also because they stand in fron of where whitney is and just look and take pictures like they're ANIMALS!! in a zoo????


While I agree that the public shouldn't treat every celebrity sighting as an autograph and/or photo op, do you not realize Whitney and Bobbie (and family) are running around with an entourage with cameras, etc? From what I've seen, they are loud and obnoxious and that will certainly get attention even if you're NOT a celebrity. Whitney is sitting there eating and the cameras are on them, and people will be drawn to that. First, it's "look, somebody's filming something," and then "who is it?," and then, "Oh my God, it's Whitney (clearly the bigger star, if not fading)and Bobby Brown!!!" With all of the "hoopla" and "carnival-like atmosphere," onlookers are going to feel free to talk to the celebrities, even if they're eating a meal. If Whitney wants to be "a real person (as she screamed to the heavens when the girl asked for a photo with her)," get rid of the cameras and cancel the show (although, I'm sure it will be canceled very soon). Give me a break already!!! "Real people" don't live like that!!! And you guys, work on your parenting skills! I see years and years on the couch in each of their futures!


I agree the cameras dont help,but almost every celebrity even without cameras has to deal with that kind of thing. Its ridiculous. I live in NYC and Ill see celebrities at a table at a restaurant Im eating at,I dont go over there with my friends or whoever and go,"Mr Deniro or Mr Reeves take that food out of your mouth because Im gonna interupt you during your meal for a stupid picture" I agree the show does bring on more peopel and it probably will only make it one season. Whitney has lost it.


I agree with that one. She was trying to eat and spend time with her family and she had people gawking at her. I liked that she let the kids take a picture with her. She just wanted to be left alone. Doesn't mean she is a nasty person but human and tired of the cameras.


"Doesn't mean she is a nasty person but human and tired of the cameras."

If she is truly "tired of the cameras," then why is she willingly having cameras follow her around? That remark is contradictory and makes no sense. Let me repeat, "normal" (her word, not mine) people don't have cameras following their every move, word, hug, kiss, meal, dance in the lobby of hotel, etc., drawing attention to their presence. There is a distinction between a celebrity eating quietly in public and wanting/deserving to be left alone vs. a full entourage with cameras following your every move in public (can you say circus?), which would invite onlookers to stand there and gawk and entice them to call out to the celebrity. Their careers are dying and this is the death rattle. I only watched a few minutes and felt ill from their antics and conversations. I also feel very sorry for their kids; I'm not feeling too charitable towards their "privacy," especially when they're filming a "reality" show. "Reality" - give me a break!


While I certainly do not condone Bobby Brown and the things he does I do have to admit,he seems to be genuinely kind to his fans. A whole lot nicer than his wife.
The way I see it,when you chose to go into show business the fans,press and paparazzi come with the price of being famous. Yes, I agree that there are times that when you are being bothered at the wrong time,examples eating dinner or going to the bathroom. However, Whitney (or whatever celeb) could "politely" explain they are busy at the moment but would be happy to comply with a picture or autograph after they are finished. Some people get caught up in the moment of seeing a star and don't realize it may not be an appropriate time to approach but that does not give Whitney the right to be as nasty as she seems to be to them.
In show business its the fans who make you or break you.The day people stop asking you for autograph or photo op is the day you no longer have a career.


I concur whole heartedly - Bobby is kinder than Whitney (the show being called "Being Bobby Brown;" what a bad move it would be to be unkind to fans when you're trying to stay on the air!).

I also agree with HolyBulz that they be allowed their privacy in public and not be accosted when they're trying to digest their food in public. But this show is a total circus with an entourage and cameras, not celebrities out with their family and/or friends, enjoying themselves. Waltzing through the lobbies of hotels whilst singing, with cameras following you will cause onlookers to gather. Any sane person "tired of the cameras" wouldn't hire cameras to follow them around.

Also, Whitney's current diva attitude no longer coincides with a sparkling career (not that diva antics are ever attractive at any time). And I'm not judging her for going through her addictions and trying to get better; we are all human and have our respective vices. But her blatant hostility and “above it all” attitude are not conducive to reviving a fading and scandal-ridden career.

I won't be watching this show ever again - it was very painful and I was uncomfortable just watching for 15-20 minutes (including previews from an upcoming episode).


I agree with you. Especially when Bobby took some time out for himself and got a haircut in the eastside of London (I guess it's the eastside, what do I know!). Anyway, he was being really sweet to the crowd that was around him. When he went to the "cookout" that was in back of the resturant, there was this girl who took him to the side and proceeded to tell him that she needed money for rent?! (Please someone, correct me if I am wrong.) I thought this was really GHETTOOOOOOO! and tacky of her. But it was sweet of him to give her the money.


Whitney needs to remember if it wasn't for those fans, she wouldn't be staying at plush hotels, resorts, all those vacations, London, etc. and living the good life, spending $ like it grew on trees. It was those same fans who bought her cds, records, etc. to enable her to live the pampered life she leads. Both Whitney & Bobby fell of YEARS ago, so U would think she would be a little kinder to her fans. Bet she doesn't have near the fans she did back in her heyday(mid 80s to early 90s).

Judging from this series, Bobby seems cool & a little more down to earth. Whitney is a pampered, spoiled, rich, self-absorbed, stuck up, has-been diva, one with a serious drug issues. Her mood swings are really out there. But they are both nuts & extremely ghetto, IMO. Did u see them doing the crackhead dance in the hotel lobby?(like Gator in "Jungle Fever" LOL)

Poor Bobbi Kristina...I have a feeling she will either end up a mess like her parents, or will write a tell all book ala Christan Crawford's Mommie Dearest. She is still sucking her thumb at 12, poor kid.


What was with the lady that all but required them to sign and date her autograph? What was she trying to do sell them a timeshare in Ft. Lauderdale? What was up with that?! I was ROTFLMBO when Whitney told her "You date it!"

