Bobbi Kristina
She needs to transper some of that fat to her mother.
"She needs to transper some of that fat to her mother."
Someone needs to learn how to's transfer.
Lay off already! She's only a child.
Dissing Haters!
Its not her fault being overweight.I'm sure she gets the munchies from all the second hand smoke she has ingest.Probably has lots of issues that cause her to overeat.
Seriously, I'm sure her parents are too busy being spazzes to insure their child is taking care of herself and eating right.
I can't remember where I heard that a few years ago that Whitney's mother had threatened to fight for custody if she didn't get her act together or even it its true that she did.Maybe she should before its too late. I hope someone helps that poor girl.
I know I don't get points for saying I actually know WH - from waaaaaay back in the day. But I do and who cares 'bout dat, right? I said that 'cause I was associated w/WH when BK was born and wanted to speak up for Bobbi K, who (unless you believe in reincarnation or something) can't help who her parents are and she probably doesn't KNOW how to take care of herself! Po' thang! When BK was born, how happy and excited we were for WH!! It's really MESSED UP to see how low, LOW down WH has fallen, as far as personal pride goes, and yeah, she really DID CARE about her prized baby girl. Let's all just put our hands together and hope the best for Bobbi K. Have you seen her role models? She's doin' the best she can! Bless her chubby little heart!
shareBless her chubby little heart!
No, dude, what do YOU mean when you highlight "chubby"?? I'm keeping mine clean and on the up and up!! I don't know about you. I was basically ending my whole statement with a wink and a nod, acknowledging that BK IS a chubby little girl, but at the same time, my whole point of writing was to say how unkind it is to
PICK at her and make serious insults about her weight. She's a child, who hasn't got much to look up to (not even toward her extended family, of course) so I was just saying be nice to BK, but... she IS a little overweight!
Whatever. I just don't see why her weight is that big of a deal. She's young she still has time to burn/grow out of it.
Amen to that! Her hair always looks a mess. Whitney's does too but every once in a while on the show, you see a hair dresser "doing" her hair. Why don't they get someone to do their child's hair or at least put braids in it so they do not have to worry about it?
shareI agree with cajunbelle. She probably overeats out of insecurity or maybe eating too much junk food. I'm worried about her relationship with Bobby. She doesn't seem too fond of her own dad. They need some family counseling STAT.
shareMy goodness!!! Its people like you that make girls have eating disorder. How dare you call her a "fat slob"? She is only twelve and she shouldn't feel conscious of her weight. Not that she is overweight. She just has a babish chubbiness. She is a very cute little girl and shouldn't be called names. You wouldn't like that if it were you!
shareHer parents obviously neglect her. You'd think since they have the resources, they'd care about her nutrition and overall well being but obviously not.
very sad.
Everytime I see the show she is always stuffing some kind of food in her mouth.Sometimes they encourage the junk food.
I think its time to stop paying the obsene amounts of money for clothing and get the assistance of a nutrienist because if she doesn't learn how to eat right now,It will hurt her in the long run.
I have looked at the responses of most of the site re: Bobbi Kristina's eating habits and weight and I believe that most people are concerned for the child's
welfare because it doesn't seen her parents are.
i totally agree with you gmdomain. I just wish people would leave the brown family alone. My heart goes out to all of them. Its so sad to read all of the nasty things people are saying about Whitney, Bobby, and their kids. Whitney has never done anything bad to us. All she's done for her fans is give great music that she sings with her true heart and soul. She is very blessed and all she wants to do is make her fans happy by singing. The sad thing is, is that she tries to do good things and bring us music and then other people go and put her down. I know that she's not very nice to her fans, but half of those people that wanted autographs and pictures, would've probably put her down anyway. Please don't dissrespect them. They're a family and it doesn't help by people making fun of bobbi kris. it's so mean. Let's all just try to be nice and get rid of the hate.
shareI really feel sorry for Bobbi Kristina. Her parents are out of control. There's no one to give her any guidance let alone to be any type of role model that she can look up to for support. When they were Harrod's Dept. store, they totally ignored her. They were so worried about getting something for theirselves and not really bothering to ask her if she wanted something!
She just seems like a really unhappy little girl. If Bobbi and Whitney were not famous, Bobbi Kristina would not be living with them. The show is really sad. It's really awful to see someone like Whitney Houston who is one of the most successful female artist in the history of recorded music look and act the way she does. How can she expect someone to call her a diva? She doesn't appear to be a very attentive nor a decent mother to Bobbi Kristina. And I don't even want to start with Bobby! My God!
If you really paid attention to that particular episode you would have seen that Whitney did take the time out to buy Bobbi Kristina clothes. The girl does not seem to be that unhappy at all, if you ask me she is VERY spoiled. It seems like they let her do whatever she wants. Besides how many "celebrity" moms do you know are "attentive decent mothers", most of the children are raised by nannies anyway.
Most of these so-called reality shows are based on the producers reality anyway, so whose to say what they edit out. Besides most of the focus seems to be on Bobby and Whitney for rating purposes, and maybe they only allow Bobbi Kristina to have a certain amount of camera time.
Well, B.Christina is spoiled but b/c her parents sometimes ignore. From what we see on tv all Booby Brown does is give her a fat wad of hundreds.
shareI didn't know that this was even up. I just made my own little post about how I would have gotten a beaten if I acted the way she does with her parents...
Go Fig...
But she's a little girl, what is she like 12? Leave the weight issue alone.
did you all see all that money she had when she went shopping with her big sis LaPrincia!!!!! I wouldn't give my child that much money to go shopping - no way!!!
shareWhy "fatten"-and I hate that word- up Whitney?
Not all African American females are meant to be thick.
Houston has always had a certain body-elegance to her appearance that goes well with her demeanor.
Calling her daughter fat is anything but resolutional.
HAD to respond to holiwodsux who weighs 450 pounds. Perhaps some people criticize fat and obesity from a mean standpoint, or make fun because of the same mean and ignorant lives they have. I made my comment about BK being chubby because she IS. And chubby is NOT HEALTHY on a little girl or a little boy. Neither is weighing 450 pounds. Acceptance and good self-esteem is one thing, but not addressing the issue is not good self-esteem. On the otherhand, most of us never know the reason WHY a person's weight has reached an unhealthy point, but... I don't have any shame for suggesting that a person with said condition should really try and get it resolved and not just ignore it or go around claiming self-love. Denial is not self-love.
THAT being said... Bobbi Kristina's parents DO care about her. (And there weren't so many nannies raising BK, either.) But Bob and Nip are like anyone else... yes, they've spoiled their daughter AND they don't necessarily have the all the answers to perfect parenthooding either...
I wouldn't give my child that much money to go shopping.-no way!
If you were rich you would.
you people have a problem taking about bobbi kristina so what if she is a little chubby its not like she can't lose it she may even out grow it anyway u people are just rude