Christmas Special!
Don't forget to watch the Christmas with the Browns special on the 21st!!!!
shareDon't forget to watch the Christmas with the Browns special on the 21st!!!!
I feel ya'll. It was pretty sad, Bobby's grill was all askew as was Whit's hair. I think Bob's probably suffered a bunch of minor strokes as a result of that crack abuse and it's paralyzed part of his face. I can't BELIEVE Whit went out shopping with the wig looking like that, a hot mess! Bobby Kris looks like she's dropped a few pounds, good looking out with the cheerleading.
sharei agree -- they look WORSE than when they taped the first series. my goodness. and what was with whitney's wig and fur coat? she looked so crack-ish. and bobby's hair was a mess...yikes! bobbi k got taller and shed some weight -- but the way she talks to her it's so sad to watch them! i also think bobby has paralyzed his face with drugs. not to mention his drinking!! you have to wonder if either one of them have ever really gotten the whole rehab concept...
Anyone know the name of the song when the carolers where singing and the camera kept going from bobby to whitney to the kids to the pictures to the family. Sounded kind of gothic? Think it was the last song, its a christmas song.
shareThey were so high they couldnt see straight. Did you see when they were at the nail shop fighting with a rose? Sad. Poor little Bobby Christina.
Interesting that no on else in the entourage seemed to be on drugs, but they all pretended not to notice that Whitney and Bobby were floating high like kites.
QandU makes a great point. Bobby and Whitney seemed to be the only ones that looked crazy. Everyone else looked sober while these two wandered around dancing and carrying on. And what was with Whitney and that fur coat and wig?
Bobbi Kris looked older, taller and more in shape. Her hairweave was decent.
Whitney looked like she was in a trance, like when she was playing the piano.If this is from March 2k4 and it is because she was in withdrawal from her drugs use(according to UrbanFanatic) then it certainly was evident.
Bobby putting on a show as usual for the camera.
I agree she did look better compared to the 1st season. She has gotten you think she's stressed out by her parents?
shareAlso, they got ghetto-er
That Shih-zu was so cute.
shareOh leave them alone! They were having fun. If you don't like it, don't watch the show. It's so annoying how everybody watches the show just to say, "Oh wow, they're so crackish, she looks so bad, it's such a shame..."
Blah Blah Blah I don't feel sorry for poor crack heads, what the phuck am I gonna sit around crying over two millionaires for? I'd rather be in either one of their shoes than the ones I'm wearing right now so GET OVER IT....
DEC 24, 2005
hydeparkcutie: how are u sure it was taped this year?
Re: Christmas Special! by - hydeparkcutie on Tue Dec 27 2005 14:00:02
Nyla, I actually was proud of them and never talked about them when I saw the first season. Bobby B seemed to be in good shape and looked great. Even Whitney, seemed funny, but not really high. On the Xmas special, what I saw was totally different from what you saw last season. It really is a sad. If you would rather be in the shoes of a Rich dope fiend, as opposed to your own life, maybe you should re-evaluate your own life. Money isnt everything. Stop being so defensive.
where did u c BB? u r in NY right?
i didnt notice BB's face being numb. It was?
So Bobbi Kris was slender, but she isnt now? The first episodes from this summer she looked young and chubby. This Xmas special she looked older, taller, slender. So currently she has gained the weight back?
by - hydeparkcutie on Wed Dec 28 2005 07:36:07
Bobby Brown was on the radio (doug banks) and said that the first season was taped well over a year before it was aired. I didnt say I was 100 per cent positive it was taped this year. I think it was taped this year (this month) because I saw Bobby B earlier in the year and the right side of his face wasnt all numbed up like it is now, and Bobbi Kris wasnt as slender as she is now this time last year. Thats why I assumed they taped the special this year!
It's not that I'm defensive, it's just that people's constant judgment of them is annoying. I've always been a Bobby and Whitney fan, but I've only watched like two episodes of the show. What butters my biscuits is how people who don't even like them find time each week to watch every episode of their show, just so they can criticize and judge their lifestyle and household. All I'm saying is, they are both rich, and they get richer everytime these morons tune in...
My life is fine and all, but these two people are extremely talented. Not only that, but they've made it already. They've made stupid choices, but they can turn their lives around and they'll still be extremely talented. And richer...
DEC 24, 2005
I grew up listening to Bobby and Whitney just like any other person in America and aprreciate their many talents.
That doesn't take away from the fact that they STAY high now and that they were extremely high during the taping of the Christmas special. I'm not saying anything other than that, so don't twist my words into "I hate Bobby and Whitney."
I think they are incredibly entertaining when they are high, so I'm not complaining. Just feel bad for little Chris.
Nobody twisted your words around. If you're one of the people that likes to watch train wrecks then find another hobby. If you're not, then this post was not even directed at you so why are you responding?
And you don't need to feel bad for "little Chris"- she'll be alright...
DEC 24, 2005
"And you don't need to feel bad for "little Chris"- she'll be alright... "
Still looks like she turned out better than you. What the hell is that in the picture, your face? 😨
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Says the old splotchy tar faced tranny-Lol
You sour old hoe, you are just mad you were so wrong.
Mixed mutt ,go draw on those tranny eyebrows better.
I'm sorry that you ran out of medication sir, but if I'm busy at work right now, and just like the rest of the world, I don't care about you at all, so, GOOD NIGHT!!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
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Being Bobby Brown segment on Christmas is a sad, embarrassing excuse for Christmas. I don't understand why Child Welfare in Atlanta doesn't take Bobbi Kristina out of that "drug house". Whitney and Bobby needs help are not embarrass about there situation and doesn't care about the "negative talks" about this couple. For Whitney to have so much money, that house does not look like an ordinary "star" homes, but a regular home. What does Whitney and Booby do everyday, instead of getting "high". I see Whitney's family is never in any of his shows. Whitney has lost her talents to a "bad drug boy". Bobbi Krisitina doesn't have any "home traing and manners", she is just a "wild girl who by the age of 21 will have a child, dropped out of school, arrested, and drugged out. Due to the upbringing of her parents. I bet Bobbi Krisitina doesn't have any goals and ambitions on what she wants to be when she grows up. Poor Child, I feel sorry for her. Wake-up Whitney and Bobby before it is too late. You are ruining and destroying this child future. At least fix your self for the next show you will present to the public. Whitney needs to stop acting desperate like she cannot be without a man. Whitney doesn't know how bless to have a voice to sing. If I could sing like, I wouldn't waste my life on "drugs and sorry men" in my life. What a Waste! Bobby is just a country, ignorant, uneducated, poor trash black man. His family acts the same way.Where is Bobby Brown's mother or did she do the right thing leave so she would not be embarrassed she raise a "wild child".
sharekarenkapricia wrote;
What a Waste! Bobby is just a country, ignorant, uneducated, poor trash black man.
He is from Boston.And I ain't defending him.
you know that is very ugly what you said about the brown family. for you to have never met them or spoke to them you got a lot of nerve. i read what people say on this message board and some things are valid and alot are judgemental. i have a mother who is on crack and everything else you could think of. she has 4 children. we grew up knowing she did crack. she did it in front of us at times. yeah it was not the right thing to but if you focous on the negative you will never see the positive. Yes my mom did drugs but what you don't know is she kept a roof over our heads and clothes on our backs and food in our mouths and she didn't have to have help from the government, she worked hard if not harder b/c she had two things she needed to take care just a little joke. all of us are grown now. married with kids of our own. doing fine no help needed. yes it hurt growing up. i will say that. but i don't feel bad for my self or my siblings. why? b/c we know first had what drug use can do to a family if you let it. my point is whitney and bobby will either get clean or keep using. that is their chose. as far as bobby christina she is copping. if she was a skinny bag of bones i would be worried for her, if she didn't have clothes on her back , or a roof over head or food to eat then you should be worried. oh and about the house comment just b/c you have money don't mean you have to have a big huge house that is worth million and millions of dollars. i'd rather own my own house and land rather than when my money ran out i had to get out of this big million dollar home. but i do believe that the browns own a couple of homes in different states. so they can't be that dumb. last maybe you should pray for them instead of talking bad about them. lilbit
shareI don't recall you starting this thread, so what makes you think you can determine who posts under it? Also, to say "then this post isn't for you" doesn't make sense. The original title says "Christmas Special," meaning anything can be said about the christmas special within the limits of imdb. "Find another hobby"? I think cable television shows are meant for anyone who subscribes to watch and interpret as they see fit. I paid for it, I can watch it and form any opinion I want.
It's a great thing, being American.
I made one statement and you are reading way too much into it. If anyone is attacking anyone, it's you attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you, sweetheart. This is a board of public opinion and if you can't handle other peoples opinions without getting hysterical, maybe you should find another hobby.
Wow, speaking of twisting words around, how does me writing, "I'm not talking to you" transform into "You can't post under this thread"? I wrote that I was not directing my posts towards your comment, so you need to get over yourself. Those are my OPINIONS, and America being the great nation that it is, subscribes to freedom of speech. So check your facts and check yourself.
And yeah, anybody who has to look at a cable television show and make judgments about people THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW needs to find another hobby, and might I suggest one that involves GETTING A LIFE! If you're mad at that statement, I must've touched a nerve, because really, you don't sound like you get out much.....
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I wonder if Whitney and Bobby are still trying to have another baby. They need to quit that. I don't believe they can have another one, anyway. Plus, Bobbi Kristina will probably be starting her own family within the next two years or so.
share"Plus, Bobbi Kristina will probably be starting her own family within the next two years or so."
Your comment was ignorant and uncalled for.
lol that episode was pathetically funny. you could tell bobby was drunk ( and or high) and whitney looked like a crackhead ( more than usual).
shareDuring this entire episode I was concerned for Whitney. She looked stressed and unhappy with her life and come to find out that was the truth. All those people around them not doing anything. Seeing Whitney like this was awful. It was nice to see her comeback from 2007-2012. Just unfortunate. Rip Whitney!