we need to ban HFCS, sugar, fatty foods, butter and Ice Cream. I'm tired of paying health care costs for a fat country.
That's not a libertarian thing, that is a liberal, socialist, communist thing. Libertarians believe in a very high degree of personal freedom, but also personal responsiblity. Liberals and socialists are the ones socializing national health care. THAT is what makes YOU pay for a fat country. In a Libertarian world, everybody would pay for their OWN health care, which would provide an enormous incentive to live a healthy lifestyle. People forced to pay for their own health care, would be far more apt to choose NOT to each sugar, NOT to eat HFCS, and NOT to smoke.
Liberals have made choice to 'socialize' everything. Now fat asses and smokers can eat and smoke to their hearts content, and somebody else will largely pay for it.
That's ****ed up.
Freedom is awesome. But without personal responsiblity, which the left has tried so hard to remove from our national consciousness, it will be a disaster. We are seeing that more and more every day as liberal principles take root in America.
I'm not really a libertarian, but I respect their motives. Liberals are ****ing up this country something fierce. Communism doesn't work, deal with it. People who are in charge of, and responsible for, their own lives are MUCH BETTER PEOPLE! Nanny state Obama-sheep are the dregs of America, and are causing its decline.
Here is the one part of Obamacare they've gotten right. People who CHOOSE to smoke SHOULD pay much higher premiums. Why should I have to subsidize their CHOICE to continue a filthy, disgusting and 100% non-essential habit that destroyes their health.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/11/25/obamacare-policies-slam-smo kers-could-backfire/