MovieChat Forums > Hairspray (2007) Discussion > anyone else surprised at james marsden's...

anyone else surprised at james marsden's great singing?

i know this is like 2 years late, but i think james has an amazing voice and i never knew that he had such a great singing voice, i did not even know that he could sing. but i cant stop listening to his songs in the movie cuz i love his voice so much!!!

You know you're supposed to go home after your pervert seminars.


I got to admit, dude can sing! I thought the same thing about Efron but when the movie first came out, I had no clue who Efron was nor did I know about HSM. Both Efron and Marsden get down with the singing!

"Can I keep you?" Casper


He sings well in ENCHANTED as too.


He sang? I was too busy staring at the greatness that is hot hotness and I went momentarily deaf. Sorry.

I'm fabulous


Well, it shouldn't be a surprise by the time you made this post -- Enchanted has been out for over a year, and he proved he could sing in that movie!


I was very impressed/surprised the first time I saw this; I was only familiar with James Marsden as Cyclops from X-Men, so I was amused at the notion of seeing him in a musical. I've watched Hairspray so many times now it's weird for me to see him as an "action man" rather than his comedic self, such as in this and Enchanted.

"Bloody Hell! Real vamps don't sparkle"


The singing? Not really, I've heard him before in Enchanted. But the dancing... Totally! I looove his dancing!! James Marsden is very hot.

Me: ... Silence.


He sang a few years back in Ally McBeal when he played Glen, another lawyer at the firm. He sang Elvis's You Were Always On My Mind at the bar that all the lawyers drank at when they finished work. He sang really well, he has a lovely voice. I remember thinking at the time just how wonderfully he sang it.

(Clip of it - dialouge is in Spanish but song is in English)

Enjoy x


He's soooo hot! And very talented, too, of course!

You give me joy that's unspeakable, Jesus I am so in love with You


I was surprised too! I love his voice though.


I was.. He's got a very nice voice indeed.. Acting talent, looks and also musical ability; it's like the mans has got it all.

Dear Warden.. You were right. Salvation lies within.


he also sang a few times in ally mcbeal


James Marsden and Elijah Kelley were right on with the singing and dancing! both are hot too.Of course, I'd heard James sing in Enchanted(that movie is such a joke, but fun) and Zac Efron in HSM so I knew he could sing as well.

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will worry about itself


He sings but one line in both Death at a Funeral and Hop. I felt cheated both times, when he didn't finish either song.
His being on stage in Hop was so entertaining for me. "All I want is your candy..."
He's singing a bit on 30 Rock, too, but it's always being interrupted by the neurotic Liz Lemon.

I wish to God he'd issue a music video or appear as a singer in a film.... Like "Sinatra". But I suppose they're going to give that to Leonardo DiCaprio, whereas James resembles the young Sinatra.
