MovieChat Forums > Hairspray (2007) Discussion > Plot Question: Help!!!

Plot Question: Help!!!

Hairspray is one of my favorite musicals, but one thing has always bothered me:

Tracy is sent to 'detention' for 'cutting class' to audition for the Corny Collins show right?

but WHY?

She gets permission from her parents to try out for the show, why would she have to sneak back into class? Also during "I can hear the bells' You see Link and Amber outside about to get on a school bus that has a 'Corny Collins Show' sign in the window, so the school knew about the kids that were featured performers on the show.

If the school knew about the show, and even though Link says 'cut class and come down' which makes no sense, couldn't Tracy have just told the school that her parents said it was okay to go? plus PENNY WAS WITH HER AT THE AUDITION! Shouldn't she have been sent to detention as well, or at the very least 'shot by her mother'?

Just has been bugging me forever, thanks!




At the time, Tracy wasn't a performer on the show. I'm sure the kids on the show had a shorten school day or whatever so they could make the show. So while Tracy had to cut class to do it, the kids who actually worked on the show had permission and despite Link saying to cut class, it didn't mean she had to do it. I mean seriously if a celebrity on TV tells you to jump out the window that doesn't mean you should just do it.

"Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?!"

Love Les Miserables!!!


It doesn't even make sense that the auditions would be held during the school day, given that they were promoting the council members as clean, wholesome teens--i.e., not the type to cut class. I believe in the original it was explicitly said that the audition was after school.
