What's with the fake accent?

I recently watched a few episodes, and noticed that when Leland and Beth are talking to someone on the phone, they suddenly develop a native accent, which disappears as soon as they hang up.

Is this their way of "connecting" with their clientele? It kind of reminds me of the 70's, when everyone with a HAM radio suddenly sounded like a Texan.


I think it's they same reason Beth eats so much SPAM.

"It's like disarming Germany"
Sly Stallone


Spam is good


It gets annoying and they all do it. My husband was stationed in Hawaii for 4 years and we laugh when we watch the show because alot of soldiers and people from the mainland go over there and all of a sudden they want to act like theyre Hawaiian. Personally I think its kind of insulting to people who are actually from there.


Yeah I've noticed that too, they develop a native slang wherever they are and when they're in front of different races..around Spanish people they speak slower and with the accent as well as Hawaiians, I find it kinda insulting to those people


I think its something they do subconsciously to fit in better with the people they are talking to. They only do it whenever they are speaking to Samoans. I guess they think if they sound like the people they are talking to; it will help them squeeze out some info.

I have friends who, whenever they talk to black people, get that ghetto accent and use "black people phrases" like 'holmes,' or 'sup, sup.'



It's called "code switching" and it's used to connect with a specific audience. People tend to relate more to someone who sounds like they do. Politicians do it all the time (I'm thinking specifically of Jesse Jackson here-he was a master at it, especially when he was younger).



Hilary Clinton got caught doing it in some state when running for presidency back in 08... personally I find it insulting and im British... anyone doing it from anywhere is insulting and stereotype ish some times.

I can understand Dog and that doing it if its to gather information... but if its not and just to kind of blend in then its insulting.



I just wanted to say that I do agree with your first statement. Sometimes people say and do things subconsciously without thinking that it may come across as being "racist" or being "sterotypical". However, your last comment came as a shock, but who knows maybe it was a subconscious thing for you too (Don't worry, we're all human ).

You stated: "I have friends who, whenever they talk to black people, get that ghetto accent and use "black people phrases" like 'holmes,' or 'sup, sup.'"

First off, It has nothing to do with the fact that you said Black, we all have different amounts of pigment, so it's ok if people are referred to by their skin colour in order to reference eachother appropriately of course. The problem that I saw was what was said. That your friends get a "ghetto" accent and use "Black people" phrases...Well, with that, Black people (I am a Black woman of course )are not ghetto. Anyone can be considered ghetto based on either how they behave and dress and are also sometimes grouped in that category because of where they may live. Ghetto is really just saying poverish...something of a lower standard. Remember, people that were of the White race also were put in slums/ghettos just as the Black race. It's just that unfortunately society wants the sterotype of Blacks to be portrayed as "ghetto" people...and the truth is...we are not(We=Black people; if you look at people by the colour of their skin). Anyone that desires to lower themselves or behave a certain way would classify themselves as "ghetto" or someone that thinks being "ghetto" is great would classify themselves...but not everyone feels this way. Secondly, there are no "Black people" phrases such as: "holmes"...that's usually the sterotypical thing we all as people hear Latin people say, but the word you were looking for was "homie". Even still, not all Black people speak this way; again, this is a sterotype that some people live up to no matter what their race is.

I'm sorry for rambling, it's just that I don't think that we should say this is what each group is like, because to be honest, everyone is different, we are all unique depending on our circumstances, or how we are reared. I just had to say this because, being that I'm a Black woman, honestly the only thing you may hear me say would be "sup"...there are so many sterotype phrases that I don't say and if I did I would be told that I sound like a sterotypical White girl. The point is, no matter who we all are, anyone can sound like anything. So we can't say that Black people say certain things over other races. We just can't and that goes for all races...I know it's hard to get away from sterotypes...but I just had to point this out and let you know that it's not true. So if your friends do this, it's probably because the group they hang with speaks like that...but this is not set in stone for all people. And if they were to go out and behave like that towards other Black people, you never know, it just may be offensive. Just wanted to say that. Thanks! And enjoy your day!

*Alright already.....I'm ADDICTED to this,lol!..success!*-Words of Mrs. Alis LeBrane


they have to do it to fit in. many whites who move to HI start talking local to avoid bias and being called a foreigner or "haole". it takes many years for outsiders, especially caucasians, in HI and Guam to even be considered or treated somewhat like the local populace, and that comes at the expense of giving up a piece of one's identity or cultural expressions. contrary to public opinion, honolulu is not the most tolerant city when it comes to accepting people's differences of behavior, dress, or speech patterns which may stray from the local norm. it is in sharp contrast to NYC, where anyone can be a new yorker, no matter where they are from or what they look/sound like. Ex. A sikh wearing a turban with an accent from india arrives in NYC and takes a job as a cab driver- he's a new yorker!


you mean Madonna's British accent isn't real???


The Americans on this thread saying things like 'It's INSULTING to the good people of Hawaii when people go there and use the Hawaiian accent when they're not from there....Like- WHAT??? Wtf does that even mean? You people get insulted really easily.I thought Americans were all about integration and freedom to do whatever the @k you want but when it comes down to it you can be so full of crap.I mean there's a hell of a lot of things people can say against Dog the Mullet Offender and his silly paintball crew but this is just silly man.

Lucca Brasi sleeps with the fishes!!!


well they have lived in hawaii for a really long time its possible they have just naturally picked up a small accent. i have a really messed up accent from being exposed to several accents when i was young and when i'm with people i don't know i work harder to speak normally but when i'm just at home i let the wild accent fly haha.


Beth also speaks very loudly to blind people.. Lol
