Too pussy to go after El Chapo
Not even the $3.8 million offered for the capture of El Chapo makes Dog grow some balls.
Not even the $3.8 million offered for the capture of El Chapo makes Dog grow some balls.
you should really get your facts staight first, maybe look into the reasons why he would not go after el chapo. First off el chapo is beleived to be in mexico and like i said bit of research would lead you know that bounty hunting in mexico is illegal and considering dog and leland have been arrested for this before and they even did a show on it you would realise that is why he would not go wants some proof read below...
By now most people who follow the TV reality show "Bounty Hunter" know that Duane "Dog" Chapman was arrested this week on a three-year old Mexican charge.
On the surface, Dog's case looks pretty open and shut. Some years back, Andrew Luster, heir to the Max Factor fortune, was doing a lot of dating. And on those dates he would drug the women with gammahydroxybutrate, one of the so-called 'date rape' drugs, and have sex with them. He was charged with rape, and posted a bond while waiting trial. Then, Andrew jumped bond and headed to Mexico.
Because of the high profile nature of the case and because of the high bounty offered for his capture, Luster became the dream catch for every bounty hunter in the US. Luster in chains would make the reputation of the man who caught him.
So, Duane "Dog" Chapman, Leland Chapman, and Tim Chapman (no relation) flew down to Mexico and tracked Andrew Luster down. So far, so good. But there was a snag. Bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico. The local police wanted Luster turned over to them. Setting aside that Chapman hadn't done all the work tracking Luster down to turn the publicity over to the Mexican police, there was a very real possibility that because of his wealth, Luster would be able to gain his release from the Mexican authorities.
In the ensuing 'debate' the Mexican police arrested the Chapmans for kidnapping. The Chapmans posted bond, then skipped on their bond and headed home.
To this point, the hard fact is that the Chapmans are in the wrong. They above all people should know what happens when you jump bail. It is a crime, both in Mexico and the US.
But as of this writing,. the case has started to take on political dimensions. Dog's supporters are quick to point out that Mexico can hardly demand extradition of Dog when Mexico routinely refuses to extradite criminals wanted by the US authorities. Then there is the issue of Mexico's willful complicity in the flow of illegal aliens across our southern border. Mexico clearly does not respect US laws, therefore (so the argument goes) we should not return the favor.
Finally, some observers have raised the question of whether bounty hunting is really illegal in Mexico. Under the terms of the NAFTA agreement, certain laws in all the signing countries are supposed to be brought into accord with each other. What is legal in one nation is legal in all, what is a crime in one is a crime in all.
As I said above, this is no longer a simple matter of the law. The Dog Chapman arrest has taken on a political dimension. Rita Cosby has gone public with speculations of what deal making has been going on with the Mexican government that caused them to take a sudden interest in a three-year old case. Other pundits suggest that Andrew Luster's family is simply out to avenge their convict cousin.
But there is one final aspect that makes this a political rather than a legal matter. Under the law, the final say on whether to grant extradition rests with the United States Secretary of State. That's Condi Rice, who may be realizing that a little good will is not a bad thing when the boss is facing a tough election season. Whatever reasons Condi may have for acceding to Mexican requests for extradition, she has a really good one for refusing.
So Dog is a tough guy when it comes to going after the sissy Make up products heir, he's willing to break the law and all, real macho and Go Team America!
But when it comes to going after El Chapo, oh no, I would be breaking the law! He Craps his leather pantaloons big time.
And that's why he won't break the rules by going to Mexico after another person. Get a life and quit hating on people because you don't understand the circumstances or because you are too stubborn to listen when someone spells it out for you.
Same reasons why there are more drug dealers in prison than rapists and murderers. Why would you want to risk your life when you can go after the small bait and make a big fortune? I would. It is either being a man and getting killed or going after harmless people and making it big.
Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST
They usually don't let rapists or murderers out on bail.
shareYou knew what I meant. They never go for the guys causing trouble and if they do, very seldom than after the easy bait.
And there have been some rapists who have gotten out. Not within like 5 years, but they do let them go on probation.
Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST
If they let them go on probation, why would a bounty hunter be looking for them?
Bounty hunters look for people who are out on bail. They dont give bail to rapists and murderers. Thats why he doesn't go after rapists and murderers.
Well I do not know if HE personally goes after rapists and murderers; however, there was a rapist, who was let out of prison just recently, in California. He is considered to be under probation.
Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST
Well, if he's 'considered' to be under probation (what does that mean anyway? - he's either out on probation or not) , there would be no reason for any bounty hunter to be looking for him.
A bounty hunter is paid by a bondsman to bring back a person who had been given bail by a judge and failed to appear in court. Again, rapists, murders, and real violent criminals arent given bail in the first place, so Dog wouldn't have the opportunity go after those types of people.f
"Dog" is a low-level guy who catches low-level idiots who are bad at hiding.
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