Horrible Movie....

Just watched this movie again. SPOILERS!!!!!!!

The fact that Dante has a happy ending is crap. First, he cheats on his fiancé, which he had doubts about moving to Florida with. He loved Becky or was looking for an excuse to get out of his relationship and not move. The minute he finds out he is a father he automatically is like I'm not moving. I wanted his ending to be crappy. Both Becky and his fiancé leave him. His fight with Randall ends their friendship. Or I would have been happy with the original ending of Clerks being used for this one. Dante didn't deserve to be happy. He *beep* on his fiancé by cheating on her. Not telling her after it happened or breaking up with her instead of string her along even when he didn't want to movie. He had a,happy ending while his ex fiancé would be shattered. I hope Clerks 3 never gets made unless it's about all the *beep* coming back to haunt Dante.


you sound like a girl who watches too many soap operas.


I think your reaction is a tad extreme, though I can certainly understand not liking Dante for his actions. He's a flawed person and he makes mistakes along the way. Yes, it's obvious he doesn't want to be with his fiance or moving to Florida and all that entails... but that happens to people in the real world, too. It's very easy, as an observer, to say what he should or shouldn't do. In the situation though, things are different.

Ease up on the rage.

Who loves ya, baby?


Both Dante and Randal had their flaws and Randal is a much worse person than Dante.


"I wanted his ending to be crappy. Both Becky and his fiancé leave him."

Now why would you think that would happen? Dante basically told Becky that he was willing to break off his engagement in order to be a father to his child. She knew he was engaged when they had sex, she'd probably met his fiance many times, so she's not at all innocent in what happened. Why would you possibly think she would destroy a good relationship with the father of her child, and instead go try dating around as a single mom, to maybe find a guy, who maybe would act as a good father to a child they have no blood relation to?

You have a really immature understanding of interpersonal relationship, and life in general. It's really silly of you to project your bad relationship history, and insecurities on to fictional characters, and to throw a hissy fit because they didn't react the way you thought they should.
