Castration, Jehovahs Witness, and Apocalypse
So I was watching this movie Hard Candy and when Hayley (Ellen Page) was saying he was going to castrate Jeff (Patrick Wilson)
Check website to view the awesome version with photos :-)
i was like – did i hear it correctly? castrate? that’s like
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I have to look up online if that’s doable for humans because i know they do it to animals. And damn, it is. I went on to browse on the image results and this caught my attention (must be the sepia tone vintage look)
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That’s when i found Skoptsy – a secret sect in Tsarist Russia, best known for practicing castration of men and the mastectomy of women in accordance with their teachings against sexual lust.
“Skoptsy is a plural of “skopets”, an archaic word meaning “castrated one” in the Russian language. As their title indicates, the main feature of the sect was castration. They believed that after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had the halves of the forbidden fruit grafted onto their bodies forming testicles and breasts. Thus, the removal of these sexual organs restored the Skoptsy to the pristine state before the Original Sin. “
Skoptsies are hardcore folks, man – cutting off them balls and boobies and they are millenarians. I thought millenarian had any relation to the term Millennials. It mattered to me because i’m a Millennial. If you are born somewhere early 1980 and early 2000s (but that’s just an estimate) then you are a millennial too.
So anyway, there’s Milleannism,
“a specific type of Christian millenarianism, and is sometimes referred to as “chiliasm” from the New Testament use of the Greek chilia (thousand). It is part of the broader form of apocalyptic expectation “
On their wiki page –, the Jehovah’s Witness seems to have a few interesting points that i haven’t heard from any of their members before. That is, that the world will not end “end” like perish in the face of the universe but rather a system reboot; not a hardware upgrade. We have an evolving and adaptable planet, it will last “forever” technically.
I believe in this idea and I didn’t know that this is a JW thingy so i’m quite surprised when i read it. Well, first off, i don’t know much about the religion. I only met and talked to some of them while i was in Boracay. It was striking to see them in the middle of a so-called crazy party place so I decided to talk to them. They were stationed on the side of the pathway between station 2 and station 3 and they have all these texts they are giving away that were quite decent in quality (this religious group must have some good funding for publishing).
Check website to view the awesome version with photos :-)
Moving on,
“One aspect which differentiates Jehovah’s Witnesses from other millennialists (such as Baptists, Church of God, Church of Christ, and other fundamentalist Christian groups) is the interpretation of 2 Peter 3:7, 13. Whereas the latter hold to a literal interpretation, namely that the planet Earth will be destroyed and replaced with another physical planet, Jehovah’s Witnesses by contrast believe the language in 2 Peter 3:7 is figurative. Hence their understanding is that the literal planet Earth will not be destroyed but instead, the existing framework of human society, which includes greedy commerce, divisive religions and corrupt governments.”
I’m soo looking forward to this new framework. It’s like waiting for a new IOS version to come out. Unlike the iPhone, where a new unit comes every time your rabbits make babies, the earth is a lifetime hardware that no existing lifetime warranty can support.
“The Earth was built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you’ve had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily.”
Read on –
I’m not a religious person and not against it. I respect people’s religious belief and I respect the deep rooted history of the religion’s concepts and ideals. I believe they are created for the greater good, it’s just that it’s almost always a case of good intention, bad execution.