MovieChat Forums > Hard Candy (2006) Discussion > How can she be so tough?

How can she be so tough?

How does a girl like Hailey aged 14 able to do all that she does in this movie with her grown up male victim being totally unable to resist?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


I do not think she was 14, for one thing. Early on, he notices a college-level textbook in her backpack and she has to invent a cover story, saying that it's not hers but that she likes to read "everything" out of curiosity, even if she doesn't understand it.

Second of all, she used the element of surprise on more than one occasion, as well as drugging him initially, and later, using a taser gun to keep him in line. Later still, she has his gun (and overwhelming evidence) to make him comply.


True, but at times she is seen dragging him and be involved in a physical confrontation with a man much bigger and stronger than she is - and even if she's over 18 or so, she happens to plan everything too carefully and effectively for a girl like her.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


I didn't understand how she was able to move him all over the place by herself, lifting him up onto chairs and tables while he was unconscious. I'm sorry but a petite, skinny girl would not be able to lift a grown man. I know it's just a movie but that was super unrealistic.


I didn't understand how she was able to move him all over the place by herself, lifting him up onto chairs and tables while he was unconscious. I'm sorry but a petite, skinny girl would not be able to lift a grown man. I know it's just a movie but that was super unrealistic.

And yet NOBODY ever questioned how in Urban Legend, Brenda, whose only athletic ability we see is a swimmer, has the bodily strength to haul a bunch of dead men around like a set of Indian clubs.
