verify the call. I know if someone called me claiming to be the police and asked me to come to a private residence, the first thing I would do is call the police to verify. And wouldn't it seem strange to Janelle that there were no police cars there?
The whole Janelle part of the story-line seemed to be a "need to suspend disbelief" moment for me. The fact that she was called early on, before the neighbor even came over ... so she didn't show up throughout so much of the struggling that went on, yet did show up right when it was down to Haley getting Jeff to hang himself ... sure thing!
And she just kept knocking and saying "Jeff?" Instead of investigating further ... and like you said, not questioning that it was really a detective calling (with a super young sounding voice, no less), or that the cops weren't there? Yeah definitely not realistic at all.
Also, if Haley was so bent on being a feminist vigilante, why would she expose another woman to the trauma that awaits her when she sees her ex hanging there, dead, and all the rest?
I think the point for Haley is exposing Jeff for his crimes. What could be mortifying for him than knowing that Janelle would now know he's a pedophile and possibly a murderer? And if he's dead, there's nothing he can do about it. No way to stop it. No way to "clarify". No opportunity to defend himself. He would be even more helpless than he was tied to that table. Janelle was merely a pawn in Haley's mind games and motivation to push Jeff to his final act of desperation. I'm are Haley didn't consider Janelle's feelings, but I also don't think Janelle would be too wrought up over the death of her ex after discovering his penchant for young girls.