
5.0/10 teeny bopper comedy at best.


Take a Ritalin, 5 mg will do.


OP should apply heat to that burn. This movie if anything is UNDER-rated




I thought it was a very entertaining movie with a superb cast. Again I tip my hat to Anton Yelchin, a young actor who can convince the viewer to believe the essence of every character he plays. His range is phenomenal as well. For example, compare his character in this movie to the very dark one he so convincingly portrayed just prior to this movie in an episode of Criminal Minds.

Robert Downey Jr. was excellent as well. My favorite scenes were those with Charlie and Principal Gardner--some thrilling, others moving.

I was very moved by the scenes with the suicidal young man, Kip, esp. how Charlie reached out to help him. (Watch the movie to find out if he did!)

I thought the conclusion of the film was magnificent.


Actors do not have a job...they have a blast!
