MovieChat Forums > Binjip (2004) Discussion > The gun in the first house

The gun in the first house

Just out of curiosity:
What kind of gun was the one he glued at the beginning? What exactly did he do with it? Did the kid kill his mother?
Any help would be appretiated.


That was a simple "Air Gun".
It shoots small plastic balls and they are not deadly.
They might hurt a lot if shot on the body and if the boy hit the eye, the mother could lose her eyesight but nothing more.
It seems that something in the gun was broken, like the trigger or so and he just glued/fixed that.

Hope that helps. ^^


It does, thanks a lot. :)


I don't know what kind of gun it was but I don't think it was simply an air gun. Or, if it was, it wasn't intended to be as powerful as he made it. I think the parents would have known that it was dangerous and not given it to him. Not that balloons are strong but you would need a strong sharp blast of air to puncture it, I think. Based on the noise she made, I guess it did her harm.

Emperor: Tell me how he died.
Captain Algren: I will tell he lived.


It's not an air gun, it's a gun that shoots tiny plastic balls (think round tic tacs but smaller), a string is pulled back when the gun is loaded and once the trigger is pressed, the string is released thus sending off a "bullet." It can hurt pretty bad (comparatively), but it's definitely no air gun.


Yeah sorry bout that "Air Gun" thing.
My native language isnt english so i had no real clue what the correct name is and Air Gun was the first thing that popped into my mind. ^^
As i mentioned in my posting it's such a gun that shoots small plastic balls... but oh well, no, i dont know whats the correct english term for these guns.


The correct term is "airsoft", which can refer either to the guns themselves or the sport of engaging in mock combat with them.

Airsoft guns come in various sizes and shapes, but they tend to be modeled after real guns (though there are also airsoft versions of fictional weapons, such as the Colonial Marine pulse rifle in Aliens) and are, in many cases, pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing, at least unless you get a closer look to them.

The most simple models work with a simple spring -- you load the clip with the plastic pellets, pull the slide back to load the gun, and when you pull the trigger, the spring is released and the pellet is fired. These are single action weapons, so the slide must be pulled back before every shot.

More expensive models are gas or electric powered, and they are double-action weapons (so all you need to do is pull the trigger to fire a pellet; you don't need to cock the gun before every shot). Many models also have features such as blowback, which moves the slide back and forth in a realistic manner when the gun is fired.

Airsoft guns are pretty popular in Japan, but they've only recently started being sold in stores in America (though there's long been a fairly active Internet scene of people who've ordered airsoft guns from overseas). The pellets can be pretty painful, particularly if they hit a tender spot, but even though you may get a little bruised, they are really harmless -- though an eye hit can be bad news, particularly from such a close range. There's a reason why protective eyewear is definitely recommended if you engage in mock combat with these things.

Anyway, presumably the airsoft gun the family had at their house was gas or electric powered, since it didn't need to be cocked before use. It was probably also broken, hence the part with the glue -- after he fixed it, it worked just fine. Of course, everyone in the family assumed that the gun was still non-functional. So yes, it's possible that her eye was seriously injured -- on the other hand, eyes are surprisingly resilient and flexible, and can therefore take impacts fairly well, as long as the object hitting them isn't sharp. The plastic pellets aren't, so maybe she's just fine in a couple of days or weeks, once the swelling goes down. Maybe.

In any case, it undoubtedly hurt like hell.
