Have not seen this, but it has been done before
The plot sumerizes that a man breaks into people's homes to live out their lives for a while, it sounds very similar, if not a combination, of the films Following (Christopher Nolan's first film) and Junk Mail (obscure Norwiegen film). But then, I'm all for finding originality in reworking of someone else's ideas. I just saw the Amittyville Horror remake, and I have to admit, while it's a retelling more than a remake, it shocked me how much better and enjoyable the remake is. The original was horrible, yet for some reason, Hollywood has gone back to it's idea and tried to do their own versions several times (Cold Creek Manor, Hide and Seek, Boogeyman to an extent) A common theme about a haunted house/living situation, voices and imaginary friends, strange feelings of evil, etc. The new Amittyville did it right, for once, conisdering the stream of remakes the last few years that have dissappointed and ripped apart the originals, not to mention the over-all lack of credibility the horror gerne has to begin with. Most notibly, 28 Days Later was a great example of truley "ripping off" a gerne (zombie B movies) right off the bat, taking obvious aspects of the originators, yet coming out in the end with a true work of art (in my humble opinion). This movie does interest me, thanks IMDB for front paging it.