MovieChat Forums > Binjip (2004) Discussion > Females under 18...

Females under 18...

...what the hell are they thinking? Check out the voting...


The film obviously doesn't have enough Justin Timberlake in it.
That was Kim's vital flaw.
He really should learn from this.




Every single movies I enjoyed lately were atrociously down-voted by females under 18...

Like some other poster said in another thread (something along these lines):

"When these girls see that their top chicks flick is not in the top 250 of IMDB anymore they go on a savage hunt to give 1's to every movie that DARES to pass their favorite one. :)"

"Why are you worrying about your beard... when you're about to lose your head?"


What are you on about? You cannot tell the age and gender of the voter. Perhaps us males just have better taste that to vote every *beep* movie that makes fun of its audience a 10 simply because it has a dude in it.


I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about but here goes:

And here's the thing for me, I can give an 8 to a senseless action-movie with explosions everywhere just as I can give an 8 to a deeply emotive drama movie.

Its about if it is entertaining. An action movie entertains my senses and a drama movie entertains my mind and/or my soul.

And the score I give to the movie is about how good it can entertain different parts of me. :)


if you check the rating details you will learn that females under 18 have an arithmetic mean of 6,6. You can see that more than a half gave this movie a 10-8. Obviously imdb tries to weight them a bit different because they have the tendency to vote very high (thats my guess) but in this situation it has no helpful use.

Anyway this movie is awesome and under 18 girls just love flicks about cute little animals animated as humans.


I'm 17, female and I love this movie!


well youre one of those girls we all want to meet then :)


I'm 16 and this is one of my favorite movies ever.
I agree with Scorplex though, I just had to rate this 10/10, lol.


Look at the rating that men under 18 gave to this movie
And they'll tell you that boys are less mature than girls... Yeah right

Omae wa mo shinde iru


haha. well, check females 18-29. it would make you feel relieved.


How do you know that the people voting didn't make up their profiles? I've done that what I didn't think it was the website's business.


heheh, its because when they are under-18, they don't can't see things _D

“True modesty is the source of all virtues.”


that movie isnt about fun i guess... you know the song
