Embarrassingly bad

If someone did this for a high school project and put it up on YouTube, I might be mildly impressed (although I'd squirm if I tried to sit through the whole thing and would probably only do so if it was made by my kid). Otherwise, the very notion that this would even be on IMDB, stream on Netflix, etc., is absurd.

I don't demand big budgets from my time travel movies. "Primer" and "Final" were great. But this movie is nowhere near that league. Bad script (or maybe it was improvised), bad acting, bad casting, bad movie.


I just started watching this and I don't think I can make it. The acting is reeeeeeaaaaaalllllly rough. It's cringe-worthy.

In vino veritas



I know, right? If the filmmaker (and I use that term loosely) had some kind of industry connections to be able to get his project shown on Netflix, why didn't he also have the connections to get at least slightly higher production values?


You're a fool. This is one of the smartest time travel movies I've ever seen. It's a wonderful testament to the kinds of smart movies one can make on a low budget.


Are you connected to anyone involved with the project? Be truthful, now.

See a list of my favourite films here: http://www.flickchart.com/slackerinc


I don't know if he is but I'm not. And I loved 11 Minutes ago, I deem it one of the most intelligently written sci fi movies of all time. And if it had Tom Cruise and some boobs-bouncing dame starring and featured occasional running from big explosions on top of the story, you and the rest of the usual suspects would, too.

"I am NaN, I am a free man!"


I guess you didn't read my original post very carefully, if at all. In it, I said:

I don't demand big budgets from my time travel movies. "Primer" and "Final" were great.

"Primer" had a budget of $7,000: obviously no big names or explosions. "Final" did star Denis Leary and Hope Davis, and its budget was more like $100K; but it was "shot with two Canon XL1 camcorders", according to a cinematography site. Still no explosions.

A suggestion for you. You might try to see if you could respond to people's posts as individuals, after reading what they actually say, rather than falling back time and again on the IMDB message board cliche of "I'm butthurt that you don't like this movie I love, so I will accuse you of only liking mainstream big budget blockbuster schlock".

Just a thought.

Daily single-tweet movie reviews: https://twitter.com/SlackerInc


I think this is the most clever time travel movie of all time.


my Issue is the the love interest... I am deeply sorry to make fun of that lady... but she is SO not partic attractive ( what is UP with her nose?) and she's kind of a bitch.. so this dude ( who I thought was actually rather charming) is going to screw up all of his part of space time to be with her?? I do not buy it.
