MovieChat Forums > Marie Antoinette (2006) Discussion > Did you catch the Converse shoes

Did you catch the Converse shoes

When she was going through her shoe fetish in the back ground on the floor was a pair of high top converse shoes. I had to click rewind and see that again because I thought I was seeing things. What was the purpose of this???? Seriously..was this just some strange form of video art and we all were the guinea pigs, or better yet its a Wheres Waldo movie but with clothes and shoes instead.




Awww that makes sense. I think I am going to watch this movie again as it is about to come on. I am not that much into it but for some reason it's pulling me in to watch it. Some days my attitude towards things differ so we will see. Its called



That's right... she put those in for a split second because you have to remember that although she lived like a rockstar of today lives... when push comes to shove, you have to remember that she was just a kid. She turned 18 when she was already married for 3 years or so...

There are a few paintings of her being 13 years old... she looks like she is early thirties...

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


Yeah, you can only see them for a split second in the 'I want Candy' scene, so you have to watch really closely.

I have a picture of Marie Antoinette on my mobile phone. I sometimes use it as wallpaper. I think she is about 13 in it, but she is dressed exactly like a woman. It's true, clothes are such an important way of identifying and expressing your age. In those times, it seems as though children were dressed as miniature adults!


Shame that the real Marie Antoinette probably was more of a 'black flats' girl... she was pretty conservative when not being made to wear 'the latest fashion'.


I thought it was brave of Sofia Coppola to do this, and that it made the film sort of more interesting.

I was certain the first time I saw Marie pull out the compact with the picture of Louis that it was actually an iPhone.

What took away from the film, in my opinion, was the randomness there was between anachronisms and the any efforts to be historically accurate. Viewers prefer structure over randomness; even nonsense has to make some kind of sense. In a remake, it might make sense to have 2 parallel styles; one historically accurate so you don't lose all those beautiful palace scenes, and one more obviously inaccurate à la Clair Danes in Romeo & Juliet, where Marie A plays online poker on her iPhone, has modern hair styles and shoes, says "LOL" to another princess, etc; yet is still the same character as in the more accurate timeline.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


She was giving us a big-mac instead of filet.
No need to dumb us down and treat us stupid.
The music was out of place and ruined the historical feel. The converse shoes were a jolt I did not appreciate.
As far as Django... I will now NOT go to see it. Thanks for the warning on the rap music western .


To each his own on the perspective.


I didn't notice the converse shoes until someone told me, so I kept rewinding the disc until I saw them! I thought it a was clever and cute idea.

I just love everything about this movie.



I saw this movie on a plane when it first came out, so it was hard to catch all detail but I liked it enough to watch it again when it was on last night. Came straight here to see if anyone else caught the "Converse" shoes. Which are, of course, purple hi-top Chuck Taylors.

As to the mixing of modern music with the seemingly period-piece some might take this movie to be, I think it was brilliant. Does the world really need another effing "historically accurate" but boring costume drama? Isn't the canon littered with enough of that dreck?

I thought the film balanced a look at the obnoxious, opulent aristocracy of the times w/MA's personal story quite well. Sure, I suppose Coppola could've pulled music from the "pop stars" of the day - namely Mozart and some Beethoven - but I don't think it would've had the same impact with today's audience.

An educated classical music connoisseur might grasp the subtleties of the period music, but for most it would probably sound like every other piece of classical music they've ignored. By using modern tunes, including some well-known gems such as I Want Candy, Coppola really triumphed in portraying a historic enigma as an actual human being.


It's not dumbing down.

Many artists and sculpters do that. Especially if they're doing a piece where it relies heavily on traditional craft.

If you visit museum often enough, this is not an uncommon practice in the arts.


I found a very unfortunate choice, to put those Converse sneakers, it doesn't work for me.

If Sofia wanted to put the music she listen as a teen, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Adam Ant and Bow Wow Wow, that's her choice, and I think it works, but those shoes, that lookes like one of my good old pair... nope.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


I've seen the movie several times, even scoured it for image captures, and didn't notice. I just looked this up and there the shoes are right there in the frame.
