I have mixed feelings about Marie Antoinette's fate, especially since it doesn't seem like she was old enough or aware enough of her country's condition to know why she was hated. Most of those who hated her didn't know why, really, other than the fact that they were starving. Much of this was caused by a terrible series of years in which the temperature fell, summers became cold and wet and grain wouldn't grow.
In countries like England, they switched to staples like potatoes, but the French refused to do so, demanding their bread! It was their downfall. The French Revolution, like its monarchy was quite disorganized and confused, unlike the preceeding American revolution, which wasn't just people reacting to hunger and envy, but wanting economic and political freedom. Just look how quickly the French adopted a new dictator: Napoleon!
But as someone said, the lifestyles of the monarchy in those times are very similar to that of the rich today. They are isolated and all the young people do is jet around, partying and buying outrageously expensive things while their hedge fund parents destroy the Western economy! And amazingly, NOBODY goes to jail for it! Not as yet (exc. for a few patsies).
So, I see Marie & Louis as just another couple of spoiled, witless teens who needed to get serious and appease the people, but were too out of it to do so. They had terrible advice from their elders, or none at all.
She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.