Karma always finds a way with things (or people)
this movie is refreshing cuz that's what my husband did to me. he didn't beat me up but he has pushed me and threatened to hurt me, he also has a porn addiction, has had at least 2 emotional affairs, puts his female friends above me (his own wife) and he doesn't defend me when his female friends tell him lies about me when they have never talked to me.
now karma found a way with my husband (luckily we are separated) he is flat broke (when we get divorced he will have no more money left in his account because all his money will go to me and our child), he is working in the US illegally (his visa expired he needs a green card), his driver's license will expire next year, he has no peace or happiness in his life. he says he is also trapped because he isn't happy. i have called the police on him because i didn't know if he was gonna harm himself (the police report will be good evidence for my divorce lawyer) saying he is mentally unstable.
little by little my husband's life keeps spiraling down and my life keeps getting better.