''I can see how you would feel that way, but I don't believe any of that is true. I believe He is a forgiving God and He doesn't expect any more from us than is humanly possible.''
Good. It is seemingly getting to be rare for Christians to not believe it.
''Those who claim not to believe may still be guided to do good in their own way. In this, I see God's work, and I think He does too. Do I have proof? No, it just makes sense to me.''
If God exists, in any forms, I think that is logical and has precedent in Dharmic religions and Chinese philosophies. Universalism seems more logical than segregationalism.
'' I couldn't justify sending someone to Hell for that. I'm not going to go into whether or not people like Hitler deserved to go to Hell or at least be punished somehow. I can hope justice was served in some way, but part of my religion dictates that we aren't the ones who judge who goes to Hell and who doesn't, something I think these fundies and faith-pushers forget- we're supposed to clean our own houses, not others', which is why this whole anti-gay Christian agenda that gets pushed nowadays makes no sense to me; a good Christian would let them do as they please and love them anyway as long as they aren't doing any real harm, not stand in judgement and say 'no because I think God says so.''
Well spoken. I think any good followers of any religion should agree. If hell exists, I think it is more likely a utilitarian place of punishment/learning, rather than an everlasting dungeon of torture. Hitler was ''evil'' (or as you have touched on, ill, mentally) so I am sure if hell exists that he would go there. But his horrid crimes would not warrant an eternity in hell, just a long stay there, for purification, because if the soul is eternal, they would just make up less than a grain of dust in the ''life'' span of the soul.
Homosexuals are, indeed, harming no one. And fundamentalists often push the old rhetoric that it harms traditional marriage. That is nonsense. How do homosexual relationships harm heterosexual marriage? It is not like they will be forced to marry homosexuals just for showing some tolerance. Also, some of the better examples of Christians have been gay. Some of the social reformers in Japan were both Christian and lesbian, and were a far cry from the Fundamentalist Christians of today or the abrasive Christians of decades past (which caused some trouble in countries like Japan).
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