MovieChat Forums > Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005) Discussion > Cried my eyes out during the church scen...

Cried my eyes out during the church scene...

I know this may not have touched people who don't share the Christian faith (I'm sure the atheists rolled their eyes), but this is one of the few movies that moved me like that. I'm not a bible-thumper, I haven't even been to church since Easter, but I had a near-breakdown during this scene.

I may have reacted the same way if it was another religion, too, though, who knows? This was more personal, at any rate. It's mostly just that feeling that, no matter how bad you've been, He'll always take you back.
Very emotionally powerful for me.

And my soul
from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted



I know... I have this DVD...and whenever I feel like a good cry..I watch this part...
It's very effective for getting out painful thoughts.


I think what makes it so powerful is that these people are at the point where they can admit their problems are beyond what they can handle alone. They are now "letting go" and seeking comfort, compassion and help, whether it be from God(dess), the universe, and/or their fellow man (the congregation, in this instance, who welcomes them with open arms). One would have to be an extremely unemotional person to not be moved by this scene.
Fight the "everyday atrocities"!



Thanks, Kong. That's good to know. I guess I was just bracing for an attack and I didn't mean to harsh your mellow. You shouldn't have to apologize for people you have no control over. It's not your fault that they're intolerant just like it's not my fault that the Crusades happened (oh yes, I've been blamed for the Crusades, lol... must have been during my past past past life...). It's awesome that you have respect for others' beliefs. The world needs more people like you.

And my soul
from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted




I love that scene! But I cry during all of Tyler's movies lol, they're so deep. I like how he always relates his movies to Christian teachings, but I do think that people of all faiths can relate to them as well.


I do love the way Tyler so seamlessly brings spiritual themes into his storylines. I find the church scene so uplifting and memorable.
I love it, too, when Kimberly Elise says to Cicely Tyson "Ma, he was my everything", and Cicely cuts her off with "GOD is your everything! Don't you know he is a jealous God?"




I feel bad for you that you are a "proud Atheist". That is nothing to be proud about because a life without Jesus Christ is not a great life. The devil has convinced you that you don't need God or He isn't real. The purpose of Satan on this earth is to steal, kill, and destroy. He is here to keep people as far away from God as possible. Right now, you are under Satan's influence and you have scales over your eyes.

I'm not advising you to turn to "religion", I'm advising you to turn to Jesus Christ. Jesus is NOT a religion which is what Christianity has made Him out to be. It's not about how many times a week you go to church. It's not about how many times you read the Bible. It's about repenting for your sins and inviting Jesus into your heart. He is the One that will save you from your sins. You have to go through Jesus to get to God. You will be judged on Judgment Day and if your sins have not been forgiven, you will not enter heaven.

Most people find it very hard to believe in things they cannot see with their own eyes. That is human nature which is understandable but the definition of Faith is: "The substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen."

I'm a follower of Christ and I used to have times when I felt that God wasn't there. This always happened when I was struggling with things in my life. But right when I felt like giving up, God came through for me miraculously. Things happened that cannot be explained away by science or reason. That's how God works.

You don't believe in God but all you have to do is talk to Him. You can say, "God I don't think you're real but if you are, I need to see something." That's all you have to do. You may not get your "proof" right away, but you will get it. Believers in God don't need proof to believe he is there. Proof is for the non-believers.

May God be with you.


I feel bad for you that you are a "proud Atheist". That is nothing to be proud about because a life without Jesus Christ is not a great life. The devil has convinced you that you don't need God or He isn't real. The purpose of Satan on this earth is to steal, kill, and destroy. He is here to keep people as far away from God as possible. Right now, you are under Satan's influence and you have scales over your eyes.

I'm not advising you to turn to "religion", I'm advising you to turn to Jesus Christ.

If this post wasn't so ridiculous as to be hilarious, I'd report you for being abusive. Do you not get that pushing your religious views on others is unwelcome and offensive?


The poster is absolutely right and is not ridiculous, hilarious, or abusive. Why is it all right to pointlessly proclaim that you're a "proud atheist" (talk about ridiculous!), but it is not all right to proclaim your Christianity? And why report the poster? She didn't "push" anything on you--you could have quit reading the post the minute you found it offensive.


Was the 'proud atheist' (ridiculous, in your words) pushing his/her view down the other posters' throats? It is that behavior that is ridiculous, hilarious and potentially abusive, regardless of the beliefs of the person it comes from. You are right that it is best to ignore it.


I love that part . I always cry beginning with Charles walking to the alter and Helen getting up to join him. It gives me chills just thinking about it, and then when Deborah comes in singing - I'm done. The elevation in the song where everyone is singing/shouting "Yea Yea!" I can't do this by myself!" Chills. Then , the pastor asks "Do you believe?" and Cicily is there with her head bowed praising and mouthing "thank you Jesus" for the deliverance of her family. I know how it feels and I have seen people be delivered and I could relate . The only other church scene to touch me like that was in "The Color Purple" when Sug finally got tired of her sinning ways and started walking towards her daddy's church while singing along with the church choir who could hear her in the distance. She, the band she was singing with and all of the people who were at the juke join with her, burst into the church and she is singing the same way Deborah was(and WOW, I just realized he somewhat imitated that scene from Color Purple)and she was laying it all down at the cross and reconciling with her father. I bawl every time I see these two scenes and my Spirit is always moved.

Sipping my Chardonnay.


OMG I've seen this movie before & have the dvd but it was on TBS today and that is the scene where I usually start to break down & cry...even in the beginning when Charles is dragging Helen across the floor then throws her out & locks the door. You can instantly feel her pain! Such a great movie!


I know what you mean. Although, I am a God-fearing woman, I am far from being a true Christian (i.e. I never go to church, I rarely pray), but that scene just did something to me. I cried too.

"Joe's tasting victory. I bet it tastes good like saltwater taffy or a Chunky."


I love this scene too. I am very overweight and am struggling with it, and it really hits me when the pastor says, "God can deliver you from any addiction, situation or predicament." (I don't remember the exact words, but it's something like that.) It is so moving to see Charles accepting Christ, Brian's family reunited, etc.


I feel you on struggling with being overweight, cshep. Just keep that quote in mind though and you'll pull through :)
I agree too that the church scene was very moving.

"I don't have a *beep* soul!."
-Cecil (Saw IV)


Thanks for the encouragement, Black Lady Pyro!


I got up and cleaned the house during that scene. I don't feel I missed anything.


Why bother to watch it if you're going to skip the most important scene in the movie?


Omg, i had not seen this movie in some time,..the church scene,..just brings makes me sob like a baby. This scene reminds how precious and powerful my GOD is, that even a movie scene, duplicated,edited, and shown to millions, can still possess his/her power to move and inspire. I am watching it now, and crying.:P
The only part i did not like of the song, is "Not buddah or mohammad", because i feel God is called by many names in many religions, but the source is still the same. I am so inspired right now, and my tears are of thanks,joy,bliss, and happiness. Glory to God/Goddess. (and yes i use a feminine term cause NOTHING THIS BEAUTIFUL CAN BE ALL MALE!!!! THERE GOT TO BE SOME SACRED FEMALE ENERGY AND POWER UP IN THAT MIX!!!)


''It's mostly just that feeling that, no matter how bad you've been, He'll always take you back.''

He'll also allow non-believers to suffer in hell for an eternity. What a great god he is (sarcasm). I think any god who takes ''evil'' believers over non-evil )but according to Christianity ''sinful'') non-believers is warped and immoral.

If you are sick of the ''I love Jesus 100% signature'', copy and paste this into your profile!


I can see how you would feel that way, but I don't believe any of that is true. I believe He is a forgiving God and He doesn't expect any more from us than is humanly possible. Those who claim not to believe may still be guided to do good in their own way. In this, I see God's work, and I think He does too. Do I have proof? No, it just makes sense to me.
As for evil believers getting into Heaven rather than going to Hell: I don't know if anyone deserves Hell. Eternity is a long time, and I would not like to have to make that choice (I'm not sure I'd trust myself to remain objective), but I think most people who do 'evil' are ill or lack empathy, so they can't truly understand what they have done to hurt others. I couldn't justify sending someone to Hell for that. I'm not going to go into whether or not people like Hitler deserved to go to Hell or at least be punished somehow. I can hope justice was served in some way, but part of my religion dictates that we aren't the ones who judge who goes to Hell and who doesn't, something I think these fundies and faith-pushers forget- we're supposed to clean our own houses, not others', which is why this whole anti-gay Christian agenda that gets pushed nowadays makes no sense to me; a good Christian would let them do as they please and love them anyway as long as they aren't doing any real harm, not stand in judgement and say 'no because I think God says so.'

Vanity fairgrounds and rebel angels can't be trusted with feathers so hollow.


''I can see how you would feel that way, but I don't believe any of that is true. I believe He is a forgiving God and He doesn't expect any more from us than is humanly possible.''

Good. It is seemingly getting to be rare for Christians to not believe it.

''Those who claim not to believe may still be guided to do good in their own way. In this, I see God's work, and I think He does too. Do I have proof? No, it just makes sense to me.''

If God exists, in any forms, I think that is logical and has precedent in Dharmic religions and Chinese philosophies. Universalism seems more logical than segregationalism.

'' I couldn't justify sending someone to Hell for that. I'm not going to go into whether or not people like Hitler deserved to go to Hell or at least be punished somehow. I can hope justice was served in some way, but part of my religion dictates that we aren't the ones who judge who goes to Hell and who doesn't, something I think these fundies and faith-pushers forget- we're supposed to clean our own houses, not others', which is why this whole anti-gay Christian agenda that gets pushed nowadays makes no sense to me; a good Christian would let them do as they please and love them anyway as long as they aren't doing any real harm, not stand in judgement and say 'no because I think God says so.''

Well spoken. I think any good followers of any religion should agree. If hell exists, I think it is more likely a utilitarian place of punishment/learning, rather than an everlasting dungeon of torture. Hitler was ''evil'' (or as you have touched on, ill, mentally) so I am sure if hell exists that he would go there. But his horrid crimes would not warrant an eternity in hell, just a long stay there, for purification, because if the soul is eternal, they would just make up less than a grain of dust in the ''life'' span of the soul.

Homosexuals are, indeed, harming no one. And fundamentalists often push the old rhetoric that it harms traditional marriage. That is nonsense. How do homosexual relationships harm heterosexual marriage? It is not like they will be forced to marry homosexuals just for showing some tolerance. Also, some of the better examples of Christians have been gay. Some of the social reformers in Japan were both Christian and lesbian, and were a far cry from the Fundamentalist Christians of today or the abrasive Christians of decades past (which caused some trouble in countries like Japan).

If you are sick of the ''I love Jesus 100% signature'', copy and paste this into your profile!


Im atheist but almost cried myself, you do have to realise though that a lot of psychological manipulation was going on with the music singing and cregretation clapping and cheering. It wouldnt be hard to reproduce in another film, but yes seeing people with faith joinging together for something positive it can be very moving.

I did roll my eyes when the druggie wife showed up singing but there where much more cringe wothy scenes in this film than the church scene
