Really simple way for Lisa to not go through with any of it
After he threatens her dad, and shes over the initial shock of it, all she had to do was stand up and announce loudly, "Everyone, I know this will sound completely crazy, but this man is making threats against my dad if I don't do something for him. I am going to call my dad and warn him. Could people please just make sure he doesnt use the phone while I call? Thank you, I know this is nuts but please just let me make that call".
She calls her dad, says the car outside is a threat, and to either get out of the house or call the police. Boom. Done. No matter what anyone thinks or does after, her dad is safe. Keefe is safe. And she can explain everything to the police and Keefe's security later.
Still love the movie, but I just think that would be an insanely easy way to handle it. I dont think people would stop her from calling, if she wasnt being aggressive or anything. And Jackson cant retaliate without looking suspicious. I think itd have been better if her dad was actually being held hostage or something.