10th Anniversary

This movie opened in theaters on Friday, August 19, 2005 and yesterday had its tenth anniversary. I remember well when it came out, I was homeless and living out of a storage unit in Charlotte, NC and was going to alot of movies in theaters, mostly a my main Regal one. I wanted to see this one, but I wanted even more so to see The Skelaton Key, which had opened a week earlier, and on Saturday, August 20, 2005 went to this theater to see them both. I saw The Skelaton Key first and was somewhat disappointed by it, it was not nearly as good as I thought it'd be, but after that went into another auditorium to see Red Eye, and really liked it alot. And this was the same auditorium in that theater that I had seen Open Water twice exactly one year earlier, on Friday, August 20, 2004. I normally go to theaters to see movies on Friday, but for some reason went on a Saturday this time, and because of this these two movies, Open Water and Red Eye, have always since been linked together and associated for me (see my 10th Anniversary posting on the Open Water board). That is because I saw them on the same date in the same auditorium of the same theater exactly one year apart. I also liked them both very much, they got on my favorite movies of all time list, and in February, 2006 I brought used DVDs of them both from a Blockbuster because I wanted to give them the distinction of being the first things I ever brought on DVD. Of course I had no way to watch them then and just kept them in my storage unit, but later that year, in December, 2006 I moved to Miami, FL, where alot of the action in Red Eye was set, and where its head character (Lisa) was from and lived. This movie actually had nothing to do with that, I had in fact been planning on this move for a few years before then, and thought it'd be permanent, but after about a year moved back to Charlotte. I was unable to get a storage unit this time and kept my things in a wooded area where I slept, but my stuff was stolen in July, 2009 and I thus lost these two DVDs. But in September, 2010 I was able to get an apartment and a TV and DVD player, and since then have brought a great deal of movies on DVD that I have watched there. And in March, 2013 I joined Netflix and have rented alot of movies from it to watch there. I have not rented Red Eye out from it yet, but plan to later this year to see it again. I saw it only once that first day in the theater, but went back to this theater numerous times later that August and through that September to see it two or three times until it left, and then went to a second run theater north of Charlotte to see it twice on Saturday afternoon/night, October 29, 2005.

I also joined the internet and got on IMDB for the first time in February, 2006 and got my first email address and thus greater acess to it in March, 2006, and Red Eye was really the first movie I read alot about and made alot of post about because I had seen it so much just a few months earlier. And the first thread I ever started on IMDB was about it, in March, 2006, entitled "Who's hotter, Lisa or Cynthia" which got several replies. I also met my best internet pen pal on its board in March, 2007 who was a big Rachael McAdams fan, and for over two years we exchanged alot of private messages about a number of things (I unfortunatly lost contact with her in fall, 2009 and have not been able to find her again). Still, happy 10th anniversary to Red Eye today.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Oh my God, I can't believe this film is actually ten years old. I feel ANCIENT.

My ancientness aside: that was a really, really moving reminiscence, OP. It's funny how things that seem trivial to others - movies, songs, whatever - can come to have such significance for us at certain points in our lives. Genuinely happy to hear you're doing well nowadays.


I'm that girl you talked to so long ago. It's funny, because I came here on the off chance after hearing about Wes Craven's death. I also revived my account that I hadn't logged into for several years. I was surprised it was still active. And I can't believe it has been 10 years since this movie came out. Time is a strange thing.


I sent you a PM, but I'd also like to say that I brought Red Eye, and Open Water, used from a Blockbuster in February, 2006, to give them the distinction of being the first things I ever brought on DVD. They were then stolen in July, 2009 so I never got the chance to watch them in the apartment I got a little over a year later, but I was able to buy both of them from Amazon last month for just four dollars each, and they should arrive any day now so I can watch them again.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. (I agree with your opinion of this movie, and Open Water!)

Having been robbed several times, myself, I cringe at some of the things people say about such crimes. Those DVDs were certainly not "just things" to you; I completely understand the impact a loss like that can have.

BUT on a brighter note - I'm so glad your circumstances have improved, and that you've reconnected with your "e-pal!"


I love this post!!! I saw this movie in theatres as well, right before I began college. My friend later bought me it on DVD for Christmas, and just the other night I watched it with a friend who had never seen it before.

I love how you mentioned The Skeleton Key, another movie I saw in theatres right before college. I recently saw the horror movie The Boy, and I thought there were many similarities to it.

I'm so glad you were able to reconnect with your friend on here!!!
