MovieChat Forums > Big Love (2006) Discussion > This board is so quiet -- Why?

This board is so quiet -- Why?

I check in on this board from time to time and it's just so quiet here. Obviously, the show ended a while back, but are alot of boards I visit of shows that have ended where old and new fans are still discussing the show. But this board is DEAD!

Anyone have any idea why? Does the show not hold up well over time? Did the fascination with all-things-Mormon die with the last US presidential election? (The reality shows with polygamy seem to keep going, so I don't think that's it).

I haven't watched the show since the final episode aired, but I'm about to starting watching the entire series from the beginning again. I liked it alot the first time and hoping I'll enjoy it more on Round 2!



I think this will change when they start re-airing the show again whether on HBO or some other network.

I've been in the mood to watch the series again now that I don't have any shows that I'm currently watching.


I'm still irritated that it ended.
And at the way it ended.
I like to imagine it will come back for another season or more soon. Or go back in time and change a few plot lines and go on from there.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering


Several reasons:

1) The show has been off the air for 3 years;

2) It ran out of ratings steam somewhat near the end;

3) The ending is really so brutal and depressing it turns off many longtime viewers.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.
