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The pairing of Ben and Heather in season 5?

I was just wondering if the pairing of Ben and Heather in season 5 was rather odd considering how Heather initially had feelings for Sarah but she didn't feel the same way about her friend.


My question is: did Heather actually have those feelings for Sarah or did Rhonda just make all of that up? They never really elaborated on what exactly Heather did feel for Sarah. Was Rhonda just being mean?

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If I remember correctly in the 2nd season, Heather admitted to Ben that she had feelings for Sarah as a girlfriend but Sarah only thought of her as a friend and Rhonda threatened to out her feelings that Heather had for Sarah.


I don't remember that, myself. I personally felt like Heather really loved Sarah but that it was always left ambiguous if that love was sexual.


I have to say your remembering wrong, its never outright stated that Heathers feelings towards Sarah are sexual (just rewatched the entire series) there were hints and nods here and there but that was about it, I think the only one who picked up on it was Rhonda, who of course used it for leverage, that or she was just saying it to be a brat and decided to use it when she saw Heathers reaction.


just finished watching the series. made sense to me. after all ben had been through, heather was solid, intelligent, and she loved his family as well as him.


The first time i watched Big Love, i thought it was going to be Ben/Heather in season 1, then in Season 2/3 i was all "HEATHER IS TOTALLY LESBIAN"

After rewatching...

Heather was just an incredibly loyal and loving friend, and Rhonda took that and used it to try and shake the foundations.

I actually think Ben and Heather were always on the cards, but due to Tina Majorino being unavailable for most of season 4, it got a rush job in season 5.


I didn't like the pairing personally, I feel that Heather is too good for Ben, who was just such a brat.

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I thought her reaction to Ben sleeping with Rhonda was understandable, especially as she was a LDS at Bringham Young Uni and being a virgin on marriage is a huge big deal. I just did not notice any chemistry between Ben and Healther and found their pairing unbelievable. She was very anti-multi wives and I doubt she would have trusted Ben as he was brought up in a family where this was acceptable.

I agree with the rushed job criticism. I thought in Series 4 that Margene was obviously wearing a wig and had already cut her hair short, it was a very bad wig!!! Yet we only saw the short hair in the Final. Can't imagine why Gennifer wears her hair in such a severe short style, she has odd ears and had beautiful long hair in Series 1,2,3 etc.
