JJ + Nicki

Do they ever explain what happened with Nicki & JJ? I have read that he was her first husband and the father of her daughter (who evidently shows up later) but how did she get away from him? I would think divorce would be simply not an option on the compound and Bill didn't live there so it's not as though she'd be "reassigned" (which is, IMO, a really bad concept)Do I need to be patient and watch Season 4 (almost done with S3) in order to have these questions answered?

I'm also still confused about the "Joy book". For some reason On Demand doesn't have that episode from Season 3 (I believe ep 4). I just saw a preview where it shows her talking to Kathy and she mentions something about having been in it. Was that possibly how JJ picked her (underage from the Joy book...) I read a little about it from Wikipedia but there seems to be some missing pieces.


I'm just a little ahead of you in watching the show, but they explain that she was "unsealed" from JJ.

I think Nikki was annoyed that she was in the Joy Book, where she was picked out by JJ and not actually assigned to him by her father as she might have been led to believe. I don't know why no one at the DA's office or the FBI recognized her from her pictures in the Joy Book. Even she had access to the Joy Book when she was working for the DA.

My bio isn't blank.
