I also wanted her to disappear or get hit by a bus, whatever was easiest. She was so annoying! On to her stupidity,calling Barb gross when she pointed out the conclusions ppl would come to watching Marg and Ben the way the behaved...you mean the conclusions anyone with eyes would draw. Oh and so co-dependent among other things. When Nikki had her do Teeny's costume and Marg couldn't even do that, first thing Barb said was "Margene can't handle these little things". Amen Barb. It was the Margene Show as Nikki said,Marg couldn't have been needier if she tried. Crying because there is a vote to add another wife and there were multiple votes in her case. UGH, that is just the tip of the ice burg, I don't care how nice she is because it doesn't change anything.