MovieChat Forums > Big Love (2006) Discussion > Hypothetical Question?

Hypothetical Question?

We'll never know, but I've wondered about this. How did Bill come to be married to Nicolette Grant?

He was too old to have known her from his compound days. Did Roman assign Nicki to him as some sort of award? I understand Bill's reasons for marrying her, I just don't understand how they came to be married. I assumed Bill and Roman had always had a adversarial relationship, to it seems strange that Bill would marry his favorite daughter.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Theoretically, (before the series started) Barb was diagnosed with cancer. Bill, with his compound connections, brought Nicki to Sandy, Utah (where they lived) to help assist with Barb's care and recovery.

Several times during the series, they make references to that, and that they, aka Bill and Barb, married Nicki shortly after that time.For this to have happened, they needed to divorce / annul Nicki from JJ, who was her husband at one time.

That being said, then the acrimonious relationship between Roman and Bill must not have always existed.


Thanks, I saw recently saw an episode where they talk about how Nicki came to be in the family. When I think about it, it still doesn't make sense, for many reasons. Why would Barb allow Bill's marriage to Nicki? Bill and Roman had had acrimonious relations, ever since Roman kicked Bill off the compound at age 14.


I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


just assume Barb was crazy on meds and by the time she came around nikki was pregnant or something


I think marrying Nicki was a condition of the loan that saved Barb's life.


I always wondered about that. They explain how it happens but why would Roman unseal his daughter who by this point has a small daughter with the man he forced her to marry and let her marry a man he did not really like and had kicked off compound property because the guys grandfather had been prophet.


Yeah, it doesn't make sense.

The only thing I can think of if that perhaps Bill and Roman both wanted the marriage with Nicki strictly for political purposes, as in they could use her to spy on each other.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Of course we know Bill still had ties to the compound; he had been in contact with his mother and brother (and erstwhile father) seemingly for years as an adult, and was welcome to visit them in their homes.

Maybe Joey & Lois plead Bill's case to Roman. In one episode, Nicki says she studied to be a nurse; maybe it was a concession to Bill for Roman to send her. And I think she was unsealed from J.J. because Roman didn't like what he was hearing about Kansas (not sure). He had this "used" daughter that he needed to reassign. And maybe he felt bad about assigning her to J.J. originally, so if she WANTED Bill, well...

I never got the sense that she was his favorite. Loved, yes. But not necessarily favored.


Thanks, I'm finally getting around to watching Season 4, and the answer to my question is becoming more apparent.

One of the reasons I asked the question has to do with Barb. Why on earth would she have agreed to Bill taking a second wife? I see now that Barb made a terrible life decision to allow it, and its her cross to bear going forward.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


They had a few scenes where they talked about how Nikki was such a great care-giver when Barb was sick and it sounded like Barb was the one who had the idea of dating Nikki.

Roman's interest may have been driven by money. He gave Bill a loan to start Home Plus around the time Bill and Nikki got married.

As for the divorce (or "unsealing") from JJ, when Nikki sees her daughter, they act like they don't even know each other, even though they both know who each person is. That gave me the impression that Nikki hadn't seen her daughter since she was a baby.


I recall Barb having the idea of Bill marrying Nikki. But if I remember correctly it wasn't exactly plural marriage for the three of them that Barb had in mind. Barb didn't expect to live. She didn't want Bill to be alone and figured Nikki was suitable to be there for him and marry him when she was gone. Does anyone recall if that sounds right?


"Barb didn't expect to live. She didn't want Bill to be alone and figured Nikki was suitable to be there for him and marry him when she was gone. Does anyone recall if that sounds right?"

Absolutely correct. Another reason was, a "good" Mormon was supposed to have as many children as possible (even in the mainstream, monogamous Mormon church, as far as I understand it - correct me if I'm wrong!). So to begin with, Barb was not expected or expecting to live, and even though she did, she could not have any more children - her treatment involved a hysterectomy. No more pregnancies for Barb.
So Nikki was taken in for several reasons: initially as a nurse, as a replacement mom to care for Barb's existing children, a replacement wife so Bill wouldn't be alone, AND as a kind of surrogate so that Bill could father more children.


It’s been a while since I watched but… Barb definitely seems to have highs and lows with the plural marriage and this obviously isn’t the marriage she had originally agreed to or expected. I’m pretty sure at one of these lower points Sarah (or maybe Barb’s sister) is asking Barb how it came about. In addition to all the reasons you listed, I recall Barb essentially saying that she knew Bill hadn’t anticipated having such a “small” family and, coming from the compound, she started getting the feeling that if she didn’t agree to plural marriage with him (so that he could have more children), then he would leave her and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

As for why Nicki, I think it was a calculated deal, particularly on Roman’s side. It probably eased the transition on Barb's side because she had trusted and relied on Nicki throughout her convalescence.


Bingo. Barb didn't think she would make it, and she thought it would be an easier transition for Bill and for her kids if Nikki was integrated into the family before she passed. I don't know when this is said in the series, but it is said at some point.


I'm on season 3 now and Barb said "With wife number two, I just got off my death bed, with number 3 I was hit with the babysitter. I'm not taking on a fourth."

In the doctor's office of Nikki's fertility specialist, she says, "We always planned on six or seven children, but sometimes the Lord makes that impossible."

My take is that she thought she was dying and wanting Bill to move on when she was gone. And she does feel guilty for not being able to have kids. So even if she knew she wasnt dying, she might still have felt guilty. When u see her with Margie's babies, you can see the longing in her for a baby.

However, in the epi where they are all dressed in white for a photo on the compound but Alby called the state troopers, Roman told her, "I didn't stop you went you wanted to marry Bill." Again, when Roman is crazy after the shooting and Nikki is shaving him at Bill's house, Roman said, "When you asked to marry him, you promised your obedience and devotion to me." So Roman did grant his permission for the marriage.

This is still strange since Nikki told bill it was indeed Roman, not Frank, who threw him off the compound. She told him that they are a lot alike, and Roman was afraid of him because he already saw he was ambitious.
