MovieChat Forums > Big Love (2006) Discussion > Opinions on polygamy?

Opinions on polygamy?

What do you think of it? I honestly don't have a problem as long as all parties are consenting adults. Underage girls should never be considered eligible for marriage or 'premarital placement' as Rhonda was, and no woman should be married or sealed to a man she didn't freely choose for herself or vice versa. But if you can financially support multiple spouses and the children those spouses give you and all spouses are willing adults I really don't see the problem.

I don't buy the argument that polygamy was implemented for the protection of the women and that is probably mostly due to my being born and raised in the south. An unmarried woman is far from unprotected. If you cause trouble there may not be a husband to deal with but she still has a father, uncles and brothers. That saying 'if you mess with me you are messing with my whole family' is very true down here. That's assuming you make it away from her in one piece and without lead poisoning.

This is way OT but I found Rhonda to be a lying little bitch and Nikki was completely unlikeable. I felt bad for what Rhonda had to do to support herself but it was mostly because of her own actions. She could have stayed with the Henricksons or another family if she hadn't constantly lied and stirred up trouble. I also don't think all of Nikki's issues were because of her childhood; a lot of it was just her and would have been the same no matter how she was raised.


I'm open and accepting for anything.
Yes, sometimes I can be a bit mean and stereotype people, but I am open and accepting otherwise. I have no problem with homosexuals, transgender. I have one problem with Jewish people, and it is literally just I don't like the idea of circumcision at all, so I am against the idea of all male Jewish children being circumcised. I know that's probably a strange thing to dislike, as it is tradition I know for them. But since it's been proven that there is practically hardly any major difference than what people believe, I find it unnecessary.

There is one thing I am against, it is something I've heard of recently and is transabled, I think it was called. I read an article, which featured people who called themselves transabled. Basically they wanted to have a disability. Some people even cut off their own arm, or stayed in a wheelchair all the time, even though they had no use for one.

But with polygamy, well we all have urges when it comes to sexual attraction. Sometimes we all wonder what it would be like to be with somebody else, even though we still truly love the person we are with. So I think if people can safely live as a polygamist, then go for it. Obviously there will probably still be family problems, but I think as long as the wives and husbands are understanding of what they are doing fully, and how to treat each other all as equals, go for it.

About the characters though, yes Rhonda is an annoying girl. She has felt too privileged with what she was given, she felt too powerful but was still a child at heart, which showed in the later episodes of Season 1. She is practically the spoilt kid in the playground, who won't play with the other kids who aren't as good as her.

Nicki, even though unlikeable at times, she has a loveable side. I think she's funny, and always surprising. I can relate to her the most out of the three main wives. She is a worried woman, scared of what people will think of her, even though pretending at times she doesn't care about their opinions. But inside, behind her scared strict exterior she is loveable, and very caring. She is also quite witty at times, which mostly comes out sarcastic and rude.


"Transabled", by scientific description is a neuroligical mapping disorder as opposed to a mental disorder. If someone cuts their arm off because they feel it doesn't belong on their body we can certainly all agree "something's wrong". I think you haven't read much on this neurological disorder or you'd know it's far beyond someone living in a wheelchair because they "feel like it". No, they'll usually manage in someway to render themselves permently disabled to be in that wheelchair! Please tell me you agree that's more than attention seeking, disability hoaxers?

There will always be fakers and those who lie to be on disability. Some people claiming to suffer from this "new" medical issue will be liars. But from what I've read, fairly a lot now, this neuroligical mapping disorder is real and sad. I'm not trying to berate you or your comment as an all accepting, live and let live kind of person. But the media has played this disorder in a bad light. It reminds me of the "McDonald's Hot Coffee Lady" as a frivolous lawsuit when in reality she was seriously injured by 3rd degree burns needing skin grafts and MANY surgeries. Had we only listened to Fox News we would've never known the truth of the innocent ladies horrific ordeal. Until you read scientific studies on this realitivity new found disorder you may not wish to call them out as a group of the only people you're "against" in life. Many of them have been suffering in silence for decades. It's only now that the words "mental illness" can be spoken that these rare sufferers have a platform to speak. I sincerely implore you to hold off on your harsh judgement of these people until science makes a peer-reviewed study on this disorder.


I agree. I don’t have a problem with homosexuals, bisexuals, people who do it with animals. That’s probably because I think all religions are bs and gods are hole fillers in human knowledge (god of the gaps).

I don’t know why jews practice genital mutilation to this date. That is sick. It is so sick that even their doctors try to defend it by claiming it is cleaner, or that women prefer it and other excuses.
Some cultures in Africa also do this kind of thing. They also do it to the girls. They cut off the clitoris completely. In some cases, they close the hole shut so that she will remain and virgin and on marriage day, they cut it open.
Apparently, muslims also do circumcision on their boys.

I saw a documentary where in Africa, the lady is checking the himen of little girls to see if they had sex. We know that isn’t reliable.


Only today I read about female genital mutiplation and a girl died from it and I thought "the media and people go crazy over this but no one seems to care about circumsisiton for a guy because it is purely tradition now?"


It should be talked about in school in all countries. Circumcision can be dangerous and it is just a business.

Rupture of the Stomach
In Richmond, Virginia, a healthy two-day-old baby was prepared for circumcision by denying him food for five hours. Terrified, the baby began crying hysterically as soon as the circumciser strapped him to the restraining board. After half an hour in this position, the baby vomited. Doctors pumped his stomach. The circumciser proceeded to amputate the baby's foreskin without anesthesia using a Gemco clamp. The baby cried vehemently throughout the ninety-minute ordeal. After the surgery, the baby refused to feed. His abdomen became distended and doctors discovered that his stomach had ruptured, requiring emergency abdominal surgery and the insertion of a feeding tube. After twenty-five days in the hospital, the baby was released. This baby had a perfectly normal stomach when he was born, but the trauma, excruciating pain of circumcision, and his prolonged crying caused his stomach to burst and spill its contents into the abdominal cavity." -What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Circumcision: Untold Facts on America's Most Widely Perfomed-and Most Unnecessary-Surgery


People believe it apparently hightens sexual activity and keeps it cleaner.
Somewhere I believe it even said it was to stop masterbation (lol how?!)

Reality is, with a foreskin there are actually nerves in it that make sex feel better. And foreskin isn't dirty really at all. I think I read it was a tiny TINY percentage likely to get dirty more, but even then it wouldn't actually affect the man.

It is literally tradition.
For Jews, I was talking to a friend and apparently it means they are willing to do such a thing to proove they are close to God. To show the love.
But it happens most of the time after the babies are born. So there are parents forcing religion onto their child and making sacrificing their childs body to 'love' their God before the child can even have a say or do it willingly. That kind of thing, is almost culty. There is literally no other reason in Judism than it being tradition. It didn't help them in WW2 either when Nazi's would literally look to see who was circumsized and if they were "they were a Jew" (even though sometimes they weren't even Jewish at all or had any heritage!)

I am not sure what it means for Islam. But I presume it is a similar thing.


"Somewhere I believe it even said it was to stop masturbation (lol how?!)"

==It is just none sense because they could not figure out how to make people stop. Kellog's corn flakes and Quaker oats was also invented in the 1800 to taste bland because the dudes behind it believed that spicy food gave people the urge to masturbate.

A lot of american inventors from the 1800 invented machinery to stop kids and adults from masturbating.

Jews do it because it is a contract that they have with their god. Although, the egyptians did circumcision as well. Some of today's jews have started a new movement. They do the party but they don't actually cut the baby.

I didn't know about the Nazi's looking at penises.

Muslims do it as well. There was a case of an armenian singer in the turkish army that was forced to be circumcised.

It is a widespread practice just like marriage is and has been integrated into religion probably because the priest of the tribe did it.


I think polygamy should be legalised between consenting adults of the state's marrying age. Bigamy, however when defined as the act of marrying without the knowledge or consent of other spouses, is wrong and should remain illegal and prosecutable by law. To me this is religious persecution based on bad sects of the FLDS. And I'm a nonbeliever so there's no church oriented bias in my views. The state needs to stay out of marriages except in the protection of children and other innocents. Tired of the government saying this race can't marry another or this sex can't marry the same and so on. If the states would only mandate the laws of marriage but not whom can marry we'd all be happier. (Age of consent to marry and having the mind to consent should be maintained to protect the innocent.)

As for the views of my personal life- No Way would I be open to sharing my husband with another wife, girlfriend or significant other whether I was "first wife" or not! Nope, we "cleave" to one another & no one else! That means putting the other first in all things. Marriage, true marriage cannot be regulated or mandated by any religious organizations or law. Marriage is what the people involved say it is, nothing more or less. And that's a beautiful thing.

When watching the show I never see a moment when I think "isn't that enviable". I don't see how anyone can say this marriage is a healthy one to any of those involved nor for the poor children produced inside it. If there were ever 3 women so different in personalities, morals and beliefs I cannot think of any! Even JR's ex-wives had more in common than these women! I think Margie is kind and wishes to please all 3 but even in her innocent view of polygamy she is flawed. She too is selfish, though to a lesser degree. Whereas Barb was the great first wife for the 1st couple of seasons she too faultered, especially in S3. However, Nicki takes the prize as worse wife EVER. It makes No Sense to storyline that after Bill left Juniper Creek he'd go back there to find a nurse for his dying wife!?! No, I don't buy it even with sustaining my ability to let things go for sake of a good storyline. They wrote the story first then wrote the character of Nicki to bring it to fruition. I don't even enjoy hating her character! I do not care what grand excuses she devulges to get back into their good graces she'd never share a home with my family again. She can be forgiven but I wouldn't chance her ever remaining faithful to her Hendrickson family so she wouldn't be back in, period. But Bill is simply a lousy husband and deserves what nonsense he goes through. He thinks only of himself and how he can profit whether financially, physically or any other way. Did I see him approving of Margie raising testimony about the casino in "his" new church!?! Really? Thanking god for helping them profit from others "sin"? Hello? I am on Season 4 and see no long term love, devotion or selflessness between the 4 of them! Perhaps these good Mormons need to read the love letter that Paul wrote to the Corinthians, the first being "...As an adult I put away childish things". Not one adult in this Hendrickson marriage has grown up yet!! But that's what makes viewing so much fun, I guess!


I am conflicted. Because I know the things that go along with polygamy; the church corruption and Warren Jeffs and what not. And it creeps me out. It just seems so brainwashed. I'm not trying to be rude or hateful to anyone, and I see the hypocrisy in my views because I'm fine with gay marriage. It also makes me feel like women are only put on earth to find and serve a husband. Just my opinions.


I guess I'm ok with it as long as it's with consenting adults as you stated. Personally, I could NEVER share my husband with another wife(s). In Big Love all the wives struggle with jealousy and other ugly feelings. Polygamy just demands so much of the wives, even though they do a good job justifying the "why" of it all in their religious beliefs. There are a lot of practices that are simply outdated and polygamy is one of them. Bill spent a lot of time talking about the LDS church being hypocrites and caving into secular law....but there is something to that. Just because something like polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament of the Bible or the Book of Mormon doesn't mean it's applicable for today.


The fact that this ideology was thought up by person who people thought of as a "prophet" (not sure if he thought of this himself), makes this whole polygamy very sketchy.

I understand there are verses in the bible that condones polygamy or tells about important people such as Gideon, having multiple wives, but there are also verses that preach polygamy is not condoned, that God made man and women and as one will bear a child or children. Not multiple women with man.

It's a very touchy subject and honestly, there's so much contradictions in it, religious people can argue about it all day.

Fact of the matter is, in the end, Bill said it's the love that brought this family into the faith, not the other way around.

It's a culture, obviously passed on through generations. I understand the concept of it and I don't have any problems with people who practice it as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. That was Bill Henrickson's agenda. Then there are others like Alby and Roman who twists polygamy for their own wicked pleasures w/ principles that would be deemed unethical through Joseph Smith's teachings.


Polygamy is, for lack of a better term, a "structural evil". No matter how good or well intended the people whom participate in it may be, the structure in itself will cause harm to the participants.

The fact that in western societies the norm in polygamous groups is child abuse/neglect and running off of boys just proves it (even the show, which clearly tries to be neutral and show all sides, clearly depicts the "good" polygamists like Bill and Don vastly outnumbered by the bad (typical) ones)

It may be a necessary/lesser evil in specific circumstances where due to war there's simply far more women than men around (and thus it could make sense for each dude to have several wives), which was not uncommon in ancient (biblical) times.

But today clearly there is no such aspect, for the running off of boys (competition) proves it.

And even with the "good" ones like Bill the harm is clearly present and ongoing:
- Barb: she's clearly miserable no matter how much she tries to convince herself she's not and she clearly reached her limit at the end of season 4 when she sabotages Bill's campaign and states "I don't need you anymore".
- Nicky: the product of compound conditioning, her brainwashing became undone in season 4 and grew to not wanting to share Bill anymore.
- Margene: do I really need to tally all she lost on account of being forced to live in hiding and them being forced to be exposed, to be sacrificed at the altar of Bill's ambitions (her business, her friends, etc).
- Bill's daughters: Sarah and Teeny left the second they could. Sarah has stated quite clearly how her father has no right/credibility/authority/nothing to say regarding relationships.
- Ben: even he got a taste of Bill's jealousy when he got banished (temporarily).

His family was in my mind worse off than a typical trailer park one. Cindy, for all her eccentricities and whatnot, had a far better/stable family than Barb.

If your argument in favour of polygamy is "there's more help to take care of the kids", then you got nothing. That's what an extended family is for.

Some things are not meant to be shared, like tooth brushes and underwear, spouses are one of them.


If they're all consenting adults and supporting their own huge families, I don't see what it matters. People's (ADULTS) private lives are their own business to manage.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
