MovieChat Forums > The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) Discussion > Sheriff Hoyt/Charlie Hewitt-favorite TCM...

Sheriff Hoyt/Charlie Hewitt-favorite TCM villain!!

Sheriff Hoyt/ Charlie Hewitt from the prequel and remake will always be my favorite villain from the franchise next to Leatherface, and at times he scared me more than Leatherface! R. LEE Ermy was excellent in the role, and his lines and scenes stole the show :)

"My money says he aint going nowhere"

"People may not remember what we say here tonight, but they sure as *beep* gonna remember what we do."


He's up there for me, but I prefer Tex (3) and Luda Mae (Remakes) for sure :)

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Oh good another TCM III fan :) Tex is awesome, my favorite villain from that one is Tinker Sawyer :)

favorite TCM villains:

1. Charlie Hewitt/ Sheriff Hoyt
2. Drayton Sawyer
3. Old Monty
4. Luda May
5. Tinker
6. Tex
7. Chop Top
8. Nubbins
9. Vilmer
10. WE Sawyer


Don't have a top 10, but I know my main favs. are Leatherface, Tex, the little girl (3), Darla, Luda Mae, and Hoyt :)
I liked all the ones you listed though TCM has some awesome villains!

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Aside from Leatherface, I'd include Chop-Top, Nubbins, Drayton, and Vilmer.

