rfa77, I acknowledge your comments about the Japanese mindset, and how it differs to the Occidental way. I am a European, and have travelled to the States twice and enjoyed my time there, having met a lot of great people and seen some wonderful sights. I am also Anti Bush, and against the justification for invading Iraq. I am not against the Republican party, or under the impression that the Democrats are the only answer.
I try to be objective and not group individuals into a packages and then brand them good/ bad/ right or wrong. There are ignorant and rude, caring and well mannered attitudes in every person and society. It is after all, human nature. And I'm not for one moment saying that I am holier than thou and perfect, I have hang ups, prejudices and irrational behaviour also.
The thing that irks me however, is when you say "Americans, as a culture (treat people) fairness, respect and kindness".
90% of the individuals I met whilst in the States did, the other 10% I avoided or spent minimal time with.
But the culture? I found to an extent at the time, and far more so now, (under the current administration) one of discriminatory, superior and bullish.
How can you use these three words to describe the health and social security systems in your own country and the fact that segregation lasted so long?
(never mind the outrageous civilian death toll in Iraq, indeterminate detentions in Guantanamo Bay and state sanctioned torture flights?- although I'd rather you responded to the health/ social issues than focused on these other points)