I´m sick of the glorifying of the american soldiers!
99% of the movies about ww2 is about american and british soldiers. Young people today are taught that ww2 was only won because of the invasion of normandy (which btw only 50% of the troops were american. the rest was English, French, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish and other soldiers)
Her is a fact for you history lacking americans:
The German army had 300 divisions on the eastern front (that´s Russia btw)
-3 million soldiers fought the red army since july 22nd 1941.
On the western front, the German army had only 50-60 divisions.
American and British loss; under 1 million soldiers combined.
German losses; 7 million soldiers.
Russian losses; 17 million soldiers!!!!!
The war was won almost solely due to the red army, with soldiers under a brutal regime, who faced being shot by their own officers if they didn´t advance.
When USA joined the war in late 41, the German invasion of Russia had already stopped outside of Moscow and Leningrad. American soldiers didn´t join the war in europe until 3 years later.
So stop thinking you saved europe! I mean, I really respect the effort you made, as well as the great sacrifices. But stop glorifying it!!!
But I will definately watch red sun, black sand:)