MovieChat Forums > 9 rota (2005) Discussion > On Film4 This Friday!!!

On Film4 This Friday!!!

Good News for anyone in the UK, this movie is on Film4 this Friday March 24th at 22;40. Iv not yet seen it but im looking forward to watching it.

Chorley FM, Coming In Your Ears!


What a masterpiece!!! loved it. Filmfour have already shown NIghtwatch. Lets hope they'll broaden there scope a little more and give us more Russian cinema!!!


Just watching it now, Its very realistic!!!!!!!!!


it was very boring...

****maybe a spoiler ahead****
altho it is funny coz at the end he says we're victorious.. but in reality afghanistan beat them...just like they are doin with america at the moment.


Afghanis will beat all the NATO forces. Allied forces can win battles but will ultimately lose the war. One major reason is because their home countries dont have stomach to take casualties. Anyway, a superb movie.



I dont understand how someone could say this film was boring ??? I thought it was excellent, easily the best war film I have seen for several years.

As for any political point scoring being made in this thread, let me relate something to you. I can remember an interview with a senior member of a US political think-tank many years ago concerning US aid for the Afghan rebels against the Russians. They disagreed with official US policy and said that in 20-25 years time we would be wondering why on earth we were supplying the Afghans with anything at all, never mind sophisticated weapons. They went on to say that the average Russian just wants to buy some Levi jeans, have a few beers, listen to some music and get laid (just like us in the West). They pointed out that the average Afghan is rather different.
Every time I see anything in the media about Afghanistan, I remember that interview.


It is proberbly one of the best war films iv seen!! Yeah there were some slow moments but all the greats (eg:platoon, hamburger hill, saving private ryan etc) have slow moments, I even forgot there were subtitles 30 mins in and felt I could understand Russian!!! Iv got the Nightwatch/Daywatch box set and I must say I am getting more and more drawn into Russian Cinema, makes a change from all the corny Hollywood big buck$ movies.

Chorley FM, Coming In Your Ears!


the best war film of the past few years is brotherhood. that was brilliant


lol, chorley FM...chorleywood herts?

It'd all be awesome. Just wait.

