Take another look at, 'Snow White'
Take another close look at the movie's nymphomanic character, 'Snow White'. Every boy grows up hearing stories about a local snow white in his community, school, college, workplace, The euphemism for it is, "...a young woman who really likes guys". The black people have a funny name for that type individual...'freak'.
The movie's director should be given credit for his choice of actress. He chose an attractive woman to credibly portray a homely, sex-starved young woman. The director for one, had the actress wear short hair and no makeup. When Snow White shows her naked glory later in the movie, it's clear that she has one of the greatest f-able bodies a man could desire. Even her face, not too attractive in the movie, is an illusion. If Snow White grew her hair longer just past her shoulders, and applied expert mascara, eye liner and eye shadow, the right lipstick; you wouldn't notice her nose and she would even look like a fashion model. You'd have to be a late middle-aged person to know her, but American actress and singer Barbara Streisand, in her 20s and 30s, was able to portray herself as a beautiful woman, despite her large nose. Fortunately her nose was not bulbous but just large. She grew her auburn hair long and learned how to apply exquisite eye and eyelid makeup that made men look at her sexy green eyes. Streisand's body wasn't as sexy as Snow White, but it helped that Streisand was 5'6" and at least had an okay body. So she looked like a very pretty woman at least. Just trying to illustrate how women can make themselves attractive, no matter what.