MovieChat Forums > The Venture Bros. (2003) Discussion > Why are Season 4 episodes rated lower?

Why are Season 4 episodes rated lower?

This show is damn near perfect. It only gets better and the second season was amazing so why are the episodes from season four rated so low? 7 point something doesn't seem right for any of the episodes. Who agrees? Who doesn't?


People were mad about Season Four when it came out: the first episode had the A and B stories traveling in different chronological order, the series itself went a long way with no Brock, and Sgt. Hatred and his recovering pedophile shtick seemed to wear on a lot of folks pretty quickly. I think that would explain most of the (relatively) lower scores.

All told, I think it rounded out to be a pretty solid season. The first half was a little rough, with "Perchance to Dean" through "The Revenge Society" all being kind of "meh" episodes. But "Handsome Ransom" with Kevin Conroy as Captain Sunshine; "Self Medication" with all of the guest voice actors; "The Better Man" with some real movement on the Dean-Triana plotline that had kind of been in limbo since "Victor. Echo. November.;" "Operation P.R.O.M.," with easily the best use of non-Thirlwell music in the show and what would have been a fitting end to the series had they decided to wrap it up there; and of course the utterly epic "Everybody Comes to Hank's," were all as good as anything from previous seasons. Sometimes you just catch people in an angry moment, and Part One of Season Four was that moment for a lot of folks.


Why are the episodes from season four rated so low? 7 point something doesn't seem right for any of the episodes. Who agrees? Who doesn't? - stumpedcomedy

I agree that 7.x is too low a rating. "Operation P.R.O.M." (2010) has a 7.9 / 10 rating? Are you kidding me? The end of that episode literally had me on the edge of my seat!

A closer look at the ratings for that episode reveals that 15 haters with too much time on their hands decided to give it a "1" rating:

I suspect the same is true of other relatively low rated episodes.


Well, first off, a 7 out of 10 is a good score. Why people can't grasp this concept these days is beyond me. Secondly, Season 4 was split in to two parts. The first half of Season 4 is not very good. The second half was much better but it was a long time before it aired. When you watch the two halves together as one season, Season 4 isn't that bad. It's not as good as the first three, but it's still OK. Those of us that watched the show as it aired, though, had to wait a long time before we got the good half after watching the bad half and that was a long time to stew.


Calling it the bad half makes the scores you call "not that low" seen much lower. I've watched them all and I don't think the episodes deserve 7/10 ratings. 7 out of 10 ratings seem to make people like you view the shows differently before even watching them. Even though you might have seen the shows as they aired (that somehow makes you royalty, I suppose), it doesn't mean that the wait ought to make the shows any less than what they are. Damn near perfect, if you ask me.
