
Does anyone know if Phillip Van Dyke (Luke the Goblin) will be in this one?

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


I'm not sure, but I hope he is. I was just gonna post this question too.


it's funny when i first saw the commercial for it, i asked myself that same exact question...


Hmmm... maybe he'll make a cameo?? I didn't see him in any of the commercials.. well, we'll have to wait til Fri. to see!! I hope he's in it. He was hot in the 2nd movie.


I didnt see him in any commercials... but i hope he is in this one...

Three guys walked into a bar and the fourth one ducked.


yah.... i asked myself that too when i saw the previews for this movie. the only reason i like the 2nd one was because he was soo HOT!

you're not a mess, you're in love

reply most of the second movie he was a goblin.

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


I dont think he is :(


He wasn't. Personally, I was disappointed; I kept thinking "Where's Luke? Where's Luke?" I would have thought the producers would make an effort to have Phillip Van Dyke reprise his role, especially since
1) the Halloweentowners are apparently in human form throughout most of the movie
2) at the end of Kalabar's Revenge, we get the impression that Luke has a crush on Marnie.
Seeing him interact in *her* world, having to deal with the idea that she has a *human* love interest would've made a more interesting "C" plot than the straight vanilla romance plot and the "thing" going on between Natalie and Dylan.
Even disregarding the lack of Luke, this was easily the weakest of the trilogy.


I completely agree! Not that this movie was terrible, just that I guess I expected a lot more out of it. Like Luke for one.

Peter-Pan-"To live...would be an awfully big adventure!"


i just watched it..... and after it my friend and i were wonderin about Luke. but the new dude is a lil cutie. and that ethan boy. i wish there had been more scenes in halloween town.

.:'* cLaIrE bEaR*':.
pRoUd To Be FrOm MaRyLaNd


I'm not worried about the "cuties" right now. I just have a few serious continuity complaints, mostly the absence of Luke (who was a major player in the first two movies), and the lack of Sophie. Okay, the movie takes place at a high school... but what about the mall? There could've been Sophie there! Plus, Sophie is attentive. She'd notice that blondie-witch dude is a little off (either that, or have a crush on him, which would be equally interesting).


i was were Luke was too at the end of the movie and i kept thinking that Sophie would be in more parts of the movie as it went on, but she wasnt. she only had like what 2 or 3 scenes and she didnt even say hardle ne thing.



Her bio somewhere said she was really big into karate (don't know how recent that was)


Well, yeah. Her and her brother both (J.P. Roeske was in 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain)


I miss "Soapy" She was funny. And Luke was cool I mean he could of had like a little nit part in the end and I would be O.K.


Sophie was my favorite character! Why didnt they show her more?? Wahh!! man..she was adorable in the first movie. Now she's a teen. Almost my age

The Statue of Liberty is in New Jersey!!! NOT NEW YORK!!!


I can't believe Luke wasn't this one. This movie would have been so much better if he was! They should have at least mentioned him a couple of times!



no hes not in it



No, no. You have every right to be picky. It's your time that Disney takes by giving you false hopes, so you watch the movie. No Benny. that's sad.

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.
