Different Location?

I was wondering why the location of their house and the movie location are different? In every Halloweentown movie, it has been in a different movie location. The house is totally different in this movie. I don’t like the house in this movie; it’s all new, like the kitchen with the new appliances. The set of the kitchen or house itself is different and people would recognize that. I don’t know why the producers would think that we wouldn’t recognize it? It just looks too nice of a house for all four of them to stay there with the mom not working? Its just weird that’s all.


The location and houses are probalby different because they couldn't get the same houses for filming. Like, the poeple who actually lived in the hosue sold it and the new owners didn't want their house to be filmed in, or the filming schedual didn't fit the owner's schedual or some otehr technical thing. But at the beginning of every movie, they do mention that they Pipers have moved, though.

Also, they're WITCHES with MAGIC, I'm pretty sure that they can MAKE money. Or, if that's, like, against the rules, they chould be living off of money that the dad left them when he died (maybe he or his family was rich) or the paternal grandparents could be pitching in some money.
