(If anyone ever comes back to the forum) I felt that the deleted scenes from Season 2 with Duncan in them helped make the case in my mind that he wasn't going to be the best match for Veronica. The dialogue and staging seemed strained, like the deleted scene where he essentially does a song and dance to declare his love in the schoolyard. Veronica's relationships with Logan had an edgier quality in that they had both loved Lily, both lost her, both lost parents -- they were coming from a similar place of mistrust, sarcasm, and loss.
That said, I'm not sure they should wind up together, at least not as the people they were at the time of the show. They wouldn't necessarily be good for each other, even though teh chemistry was electric. Ideally, they would both grow and change, then come back together again (as implied in the movie), but they were potentially disastrous with each other as teenagers.