What episode

The one where the woman with a newborn had delusions, hearing voices that told her she needed to kill her son. She succeeded & when realized what she did, she was going to refuse treatment so that she could die too.

One o the few cases where House lost a patient.


Can't remember that one for sure. Was she the schizophrenic twitching in the beginning having an office visit with her son? Think that was season 2 somewhere.

I like the one when the patient couldn't feel anything, she was a teenager and got in a car accident in the beginning with her mom. Then House had a premonition it was tapeworm eating Wilson's sandwich. She was going to the operating table for something else and he didn't knock her out or anything, cut her open and just pulled it out. Think that was season 3 but I could be wrong.


Late Season 2.


S2 E22
