very boring
I almost felt asleep.In fact I cound't sit it through and decided to watch something else.
Very boring movie.
I agree, although I didn't fall asleep. It's supposed to be one of those artsy isn't-it-great-how-Murray-emotes-without-doing-anything movies. But it was full of itself and missed the mark.
sharebpollen- you are spot on.
I'm a big Bill Murray fan, I could watch him read the phone book and enjoy it, but I mean he's got to READ the phone book. Watching him STARE at the phone book pushes the point too far...
I get it, he's "droll" and "dour" and amazing at doing very little, but he can't take it to ridiculous lengths. I mean watching Bill Murray sleep and saying it's brilliant, is just asking for someone to say "the emperor's got no clothes".
i think he might be laughing to himself already, and saying "watch me just do absolutely nothing and everyone will say I'm a genius and this is the performance of my career"
I didn't care much for this on my first watch either but it stuck with me long afterwards so that I felt the need to rewatch a year later and now have seen it many times since. One of my favorite films, guess it is either an acquired taste or so dense in symbolism that it's off-putting initially.
Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.
i don't think it's boring but overall i found it pretty average as it's not a movie ill see again and like i always say re-watch factor is what ultimately makes or breaks a movie in the long term as all of the truly great movies hold up on re-watches as the years pass.
with that said... there are some movies i see here and there that i am bored from to the point i can't finish which makes those movies pretty much as bad as movies can get since boring is the polar opposite of enjoyment/entertainment which is the #1 area a movie must succeed.
p.s. for the record... this is the 4th movie i have seen from the director which are Dead Man(1995)/The Limits of Control(2009)/Only Lovers Left Alive(2013-2014)/Broken Flowers(2005). i am pretty sure i seen them in that order to as i just seen Only Lovers Left Alive yesterday (Aug 17th) and then Broken Flowers(2005) today (Aug 18th) and i seen The Limits of Control (2009) back on Aug 4th 2012. i seen Dead Man (1995) sometime before that and had to be sometime before Dec 27th 2011 since from that date on forward i been keeping a log of all movies i see. i should get around to re-watching The Limits of Control (2009) to see how it is on a re-watch. but i imagine some people will see that movie more like "The Limit of Patience" (lol) ; as it's pretty slow paced and some people might see it as boring. hence, testing their patience to continue watching the movie ;)
My IMDb Movie Lists etc =
I just loved this movie. It helps if you like Bill Murray. I don't think this movie is meant for teenagers or younger people.
I've always liked Jim Jarmusch movies, and I think this was his best. Perfect in every way. The music was fantastic. Bill Murray is probably the only actor who could have pulled off this role. I wasn't bored for one second, and I normally get bored very easily.
Agree. You have to have a certain amount of life experience and understanding of film analysis to get much from this. There's many movies I like now that I wouldn't have liked in my teens or twenties.