
Lost is too popular to not get a reboot especially when it’s just as well regarded as The X-Files, Star Trek, Breaking Bad, and others that have had spin-offs and continuations. When will there likely be a new season of Lost, a movie, or some other spinoff/reboot?


I prefer a re-imagining of the original story. I didn't care for the quasi-philosophical tropes executed by Lindelof after Jar Jar Abrams left the series, and as heartfelt and emotional the series finale was, the backstory to what led them there was painfully shortsighted and devoid of any real payoff.

They should hire a different writer/director who can do something at the level of a Villaneuve, del Toro or Cuaron, or if they choose something more retail accessible like Nolan or Howard.


I don't see the point in a reboot but I wouldn't mind a spinoff or a continuation of some sort as long as it doesn't ruin the ending. I always found it interesting that the writers left kid characters in existence off-island, leaving the possibility open for more stories in the future.



Yes, it seems like the kid characters were put in the show and left with little resolution (e.g. we never learn why Walt and Aaron are special) so there could eventually be a Lost: The Next Generation.


Judging by the ratings of Manifest, maybe nothing at all on broadcast. The Leftovers had Lindelof and helping of Lostness to it but so much of the juice of Lost lies with that cast. Maybe something could be tried on a streaming service under Disney, but you need some secret sauce in casting. Manifest shows that premise alone isn't enough.
