Never said it wasn't subjective. Everything is.
As long as you're not a laughably butthurt loser troll (like *some* people on this site) then I respect your opinion. Though of any of the criticisms certain people had with the show i'm pretty sure it being "predictable" was at the absolute bottom of the list considering the fact that most of its major mysteries weren't correctly predicted by anyone until the very last season/final episode.
Game of Thrones could have been a good contender if it wasn't for the quality downturn.
The top 10 greatest shows are all interchangeable, they are pretty much subjective but theres a reason why the same names keep popping up in peoples lists.
Subjectively speaking I watched most of Breaking Bad, thought it was good but it was more goofy than I expected with sub plots I didnt like, like his wife's constant moaning. I understand why people do include it as one of the greatest.
My fave TV shows of all time have been, in no order:
Twilight Zone.
Game of Thrones.
Star Trek OG and Next Gen.
Twin Peaks season 1.
The Office, US and UK
NYPD Blue.
Larry Sanders Show.
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
South Park.
Yeah Breaking Bad for me was fairly enjoyable overall, but you're right about the strange goofy tone it sometimes had. The bizarre combo of incredibly serious moments (like shooting an innocent child) mixed in with other moments being played for Three Stooges type comedy (like when they're trying to sneak into a building at night and goofy music is playing while they're bumbling all over the place) just felt very strange and mismatched.
I'm about halfway through Game of Thrones and so far have enjoyed it more than I expected to. I still don't think it's the 12 out of 10 masterpiece certain people made it out to be (nothing is), but it certainly is highly entertaining at times. Though I really can't see how these final few seasons are going to end up being "the worst thing ever" the way some of the disappointed hardcore fans have made it out to be.
But yeah, it's all subjective at the end of the day.
Yeh, ok. You really predicted any of the finals seasons?
You predicted the Man in Black and Jacob or Richard Alpert being over 100 years old or Richard Alpert visiting Locke the whole of Lockes life or the underground wheel being turned and the survivors being landed in the Dharma era where they run around as part of the Dharma initiative or some of the main cast getting off the island midway through the series or Locke dying or Desmond timeline jumping around with Charlie after Charlie was dead and gone seasons ago?
The Man in Black wasn't even mentioned (let alone seen) until the final episode of season FIVE, Lol.
Before that episode, show me a single online post which correctly predicted that he was what the smoke monster really was. Just like how no one saw the flashforward shock reveal coming in the S3 finale until it was actually revealed, or how the main group ended up in the 70's. No one saw any of these jaw-dropping twists coming until the very moment they were shown on screen, I can't think of a single other show that was able to pull off that same feat anywhere near as well done, or as often.
How can you like this show with the main mystery left unexplained? They never answered how that bird made a noise that sounded like βHurleyβ! Lazy writing.
You know I was supporting your viewpoint with satire by making a subtle dig at all the people who whined about the most inane things that happened in the show, right?
Ah my bad, dude. Didn't realize you were adding to the sarcastic comments.
Plus some of the trolls here are so laughably pathetic (one sad loser troll is always crying about "the cork" 10 years later! LOL) so at first glance it seemed like yet another eye-rolling failed troll attempt.