Delahunt or whichever guy dies from franks crew seemed like a cop. He doesnt give up billy after he is shot and the scene when he is dying hints that he may have been a cop. What other reasons would he have for not giving up billy
Just because Costello had two moles in the staties doesn't mean the opposite was true. This isn't Monopoly where you can't put two houses on a property until all properties of that color have one house.
Just because Costello had two moles in the staties doesn't mean the opposite was true. This isn't Monopoly where you can't put two houses on a property until all properties of that color have one house.
film wise, it would have been more artistic if each side had even numbers of moles within them. this isn't real y life, this is a *beep* movie where each side had a mole trying to capture the other.
film wise, it would have been more artistic if each side had even numbers of moles within them.
Well they didn't, based on what we saw in the movie. I'm sure Scorsese is not losing sleep over this "blunder," especially since he gets to look at his Best Picture Oscar before he goes to bed.
this isn't real y life, this is a *beep* movie where each side had a mole trying to capture the other.
Yes, A mole, not two moles. The central plot of the film was Sullivan trying to bring down Costigan while Costigan tries to bring down Costello and find out who is tipping him off from inside the SIU. Barrigan's revelation in the end was a nice twist but it didn't do all that much to enhance or take away from the central plot, and it's certainly not anything worth frowning over how the artistic integrity of the movie has been compromised.
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Well they didn't, based on what we saw in the movie. I'm sure Scorsese is not losing sleep over this "blunder," especially since he gets to look at his Best Picture Oscar before he goes to bed.
No he isn't and I don't expect him to but it would have made for a better movie. No harm in talking about areas where a movie could have done better.
Yes, A mole, not two moles. The central plot of the film was Sullivan trying to bring down Costigan while Costigan tries to bring down Costello and find out who is tipping him off from inside the SIU. Barrigan's revelation in the end was a nice twist but it didn't do all that much to enhance or take away from the central plot, and it's certainly not anything worth frowning over how the artistic integrity of the movie has been compromised.
2 moles would have been better artistic wise for the film imo. No it doesn't take away or add much because their was only one mole on one side while the other had two. if the guy who got died was an undercover cop, it would have an artistic mirror image which would have enhanced the movies artistic credibility. it's a good movie in itself but the details can add a lot to a movie. That's all im saying and it's my opinion, really don't see the point of you arguing any further about this subject.
Actually he was a cop. When Bill knocks his teeth out and then he talks to the Captain, they mention that he is an under cover BPD. I'm assuming that the state police and the BPD didnt communicate when it came to infiltrating the organization but the Captain knew and he informs least that is what I remember.
There is a deleted scene which explains that point. Delahunt wasn't a cop but he had figured out that Billy was the rat (maybe a cop or maybe just an informant). The reason Delahunt told Billy he was on to him but didn't rat him out is that he (Delahunt) knew he was about to die and he didn't want his body just dumped in the marsh. So he was keeping Billy's secret in exchange for seeing to it that his body was found. And we know Billy followed through as we saw that Delahunt's body was found right away.
If Delahunt was a cop, he would have had Billy get him to a hospital instead of just dying on that couch.
Also, Delahunt mentioned that he had been with Frank for something like eleven years. That wouldn't happen for taking down a single crime boss.
And even if that wasn't true, consider this: Delahunt was on the roof when they tossed Queenan off. That simply wouldn't have happened if he was a cop.
I say this: As far as the rooftop, deep cover is deep cover, who knows how involved he was with actually killing Queenan. The news report about Delahunt being falsified doesn't make sense, because who would have been around to encourage them to falsify it? Queenan was dead, Dignam was suspended and too upset to carry out that kind of deception. So what's most likely is that Delahunt WAS an undercover and had either switched sides or was perceived to have switched sides Primo Sparazza/Freeman Heller-style. The BPD disowned him until he was found dead thus ending his assignment. Even deeper: he may have been an example of what Billy may have become by getting too close to Frank during an undercover assignment.
If Delahunt was a cop than this is one of the most poorly written, unrealistic crime films ever made. I don't care how deep undercover Delahunt is supposed to be, in real life an undercover cop cannot take part in killing a police captain and then engage in a shoot out with fellow police just so that his cover isn't blown. Absolutely not.
That wasn't his superior. He was BOSTON PD, not staties.
He could have watched them kill him, without partaking. What was he supposed to do? "Hey Im a cop too, stop"! Ok, off the roof he goes.
That's a grey area, and a judgement call for undercovers - as long as they dont partake. THey can let *beep* play out as it would without their presence to protect themselves.
Also, didn't he get shot first? As in he never had a chance to shoot first at those cops staking the building out?