Good film, Crazy accent.

The thing i remember about this film is the accent. Its the only time ever i have found myself not understanding a US film. Usually i find American film perfectly understandable but this, wow! i mean i can understand southern accents and all but this was, well just crazy. Woul a politician not speak a little more clearly?
Otherwise i though it was a good film, interesting and pretty philosophical, with a whole bunch of star names, for some reason. I thought it had something to say on US politics and corruption. Did critics really hate it? Well perhaps like me they did not understand half of what was said.
Well like me and my friends said, they should have provided subtitles!

Death: "There is no Justice. Only me."


The accents were just a mess. No one spoke consistently. I had the subtitles on the CD though, thankfully. I have no great experience with southern accents, but they sounded not-southern a lot, even though I realize "southern" is not a single accent. I noticed in the documentary the people from Louisiand didn't all speak the same way either. Long did speak quite clearly, in the historical footage. Penn was crazy like something from a high school drama class. (My subjective impression.)


I had the same problem, though the whole film was a non-sensical, brain numbing
~~JS~~Lap Up All Of My Sugary Badness.




Usually southern accents are butchered by film. It is true that people in Louisiana have a variety of accents. Huey Long's wouldn't have been the same as someone from Baton Rouge, and somone from the New Orleans area would have had yet another accent. And those real accents would be hard for many outside of the state, or even outside of that region to understand. I'm from North Louisiana and can have trouble understanding someone from far far south in the State.

That said, the accents aren't that great, as in any movie. Only once have I heard an actor give a believeable performance of a Louisiana accent. And as for a governor speaking more clearly, back then, he wouldn't have thought about it.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the day when someone outside Louisiana can truely sound like us!


uhm yea the movie kidna sucked but you gotta remember willie was a drunk and thats why his speech was so messed up.


Had no problem whatsoever with the accents. What's wrong with you people?

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
