ripoff of hitch?

is this movie a ripoff of hitch?
hitch has...
a nerdy guy who cant get dates.
his friend gives him advice.
a waxing scene with an asian woman.
a speed dating scene
a scene at the end where hitch flys off the car
the nerdy guy eventually marrys the girl
and at the very end a wacky dance scene with all the characters.


I'm sure Judd Apatow watched this movie in February 2005 and then thought "Hey I'm gonna carbon copy this movie and rush it out by August."


thats what i was thinkin


Not sure how much these 2 movies have in common. Hitch was a professional dating coach, while the advice that Steve Carell got was more from his peers - none of whom were especially adept in the love department, themselves.


This was a far more entertaining movie. Lots of different comedic approaches in it.


That's what i thought to.Way better then hitch anyway
